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2024-06-14 22:14:21

Zelensky rejects Putin's ceasefire conditions as deceptive ultimatum:
2024-06-14 11:34:31

Le Nouveau Front populaire investit Peio Dufau d’EH Bai et la socialiste Colette Capdevielle.
Le parti abertzale de gauche, qui avait affirmé vouloir participer au Nouveau Front populaire, a réussi le tour de force en imposant un candidat issu de ses rangs dans la sixième circonscription. Peio Dufau sera Š nouveau candidat, comme en 2022.
2024-06-14 19:46:04

Biden's condition shocks allies at G7 summit, with one saying it's 'worst he has ever been': report (Josh Christenson/New York Post)
2024-06-14 14:01:27

NFL comeback candidates: Saquon Barkley among veterans who could experience a resurgence in 2024
2024-06-14 08:56:15

This has been replaced.
2024-06-14 07:17:11

Fractional Chern insulator candidate in twisted bilayer checkboard lattice
Jia-Zheng Ma, Rui-Zhen Huang, Guo-Yi Zhu, Ji-Yao Chen, Dao-Xin Yao
2024-06-14 13:05:56

The crypto industry has amassed a $160M war chest to bolster pro-crypto US candidates, which could be pivotal in handing the Senate majority to GOP in November (Steven T. Dennis/Bloomberg)
2024-06-14 13:20:17

A fable about #GenAI
The Emir wanted to teach his donkey to talk. No one was willing to take the job so he raised the salary. Finally, Hodja Nasreddin accepted the job on the condition that he could have 10 years to do it.
His friends were shocked. "No one can teach a donkey to talk. You will be executed."
"Perhaps," Hodja answered. "But the money is good…
2024-06-14 07:16:41

Learning conditional distributions on continuous spaces
Cyril B\'en\'ezet, Ziteng Cheng, Sebastian Jaimungal
2024-06-14 16:27:09

Zelensky says Putin's ultimatum on peace talks is a "revival of Nazism":