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2024-03-28 08:30:04

Voting closes TOMORROW for the 2024 GÉANT #Community Award! Have you voted for one of the shortlisted nominees? If not... you better hurry!
The winner will be announced at #TNC24. Visit the voting page to find out more about the shortlisted nominees
2024-04-23 09:51:02

Kingston Community Energy (2012) - Creating non-for-profit community (solar PV) energy schemes was undermined by whiplash changes in government support. #community #microgen -
2024-05-21 09:02:02

#OpenSource is neither a #community nor a #democracy
2024-04-23 08:03:49

The #Community Hub is back... and bigger and better for #TNC24! It's an informal space which aims at facilitating #connections and

Community Hub is back for TNC24
2024-06-16 07:49:00

"Community Management betrifft Publisher, Politik, Vereine, Sport und viele mehr. Deshalb: Macht die Kommentarspalten an, lasst Diskussionen zu. Aber schafft auch ein sicheres Umfeld – frei von Hatespeech und Toxic!"
Sönke Reimers, Sprecher der Geschäftsführung dfv Mediengruppe anläßlich der Studie "2024: Relevanz von #CommunityManagement"
2024-05-23 18:42:31

If you're on Vancouver Island, you might be interested in this discussion had last night in Port Alberni on Transportation. There was especially a lot of talk about active transportation, bus services and the railway. Yours truly was speaking in support of restoration of the Island Railway.
2024-06-16 01:45:36

Argh #Drupal #community is still doing it— treating new #contributors differently than established ones.
How can everyone not realize that "separate but equal" is always a lie?
2024-06-06 05:14:44

I love the fact that the emoji most used as a reaction in the Neos community Slack is a heart. ❤️ 💖 💙
#neoscms #OpenSource #community
2024-04-09 08:29:46

Shelly Lambert from the Eclipse Foundation giving this year's keynote about #community and planting trees to create a healthy eco system. #Java #Javaland
If you can't be around you still can watch the …

A large stage at JavaLand with the studio setup on the left, Shelly and Sandra in the right of the stage. Two large screens behind and the listeners In front of the stage.
2024-06-07 12:27:51

Hello everyone. How's Friday been treating you? #Mastodon #Fediverse #Community
2024-04-08 05:24:57

Good Morning #JavaLand!
Final preparations this morning. In the afternoon we will kick off the #community activities with our unconference sessions
Speakers dinner in the evening. I am thrilled to explore this new venue today!
2024-06-15 16:18:52
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#Naturism fosters a unique sense of #community & #acceptance, breaking down #socialbarriers

#Naturism fosters a unique sense of #community & #acceptance, breaking down #socialbarriers & #encouraging genuine #connections. By #embracing a lifestyle that values #authenticity & #openness, #naturists often form deep, lasting #friendships. Shared #experiences in #naturism, such as group activities & communal living, strengthen these bonds, creating a #supportive & #inclusive #environment where #friendships can thrive & endure over time. #imagefrominternet #nudelifestyle #nakedlifestyle
2024-04-07 15:17:00

Arrived at @… early. Very good first impression. I think we will have a lot of interesting discussions, talks and fun here. Already met a lot of people! #community #JavaLand
2024-06-15 16:18:52
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#Naturism fosters a unique sense of #community & #acceptance, breaking down #socialbarriers

#Naturism fosters a unique sense of #community & #acceptance, breaking down #socialbarriers & #encouraging genuine #connections. By #embracing a lifestyle that values #authenticity & #openness, #naturists often form deep, lasting #friendships. Shared #experiences in #naturism, such as group activities & communal living, strengthen these bonds, creating a #supportive & #inclusive #environment where #friendships can thrive & endure over time. #imagefrominternet #nudelifestyle #nakedlifestyle
2024-04-08 11:06:57

#gratitude #positivity #community
The same thanks, belatedly, from me, to the friends of #BSDCafe
2024-06-03 17:42:40

#JSail unconference started today. After the introduction round I think we'll have a lot of interesting discussions and a lot of fun. After dinner we are sitting at the fireplace. #Java #community

Sailing school building with benches in front of it
Couches, fireplace and a bottle of wine on a table.
2024-06-15 02:00:58
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#Naturism fosters a unique sense of #community & #acceptance, breaking down #socialbarriers