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2024-05-30 13:57:20

A scientific researcher needs to have informed #consent from its participants. Is a very respected & serious process that many times involve compensation if need. Then,
What's the legal loophole that companies have to do it blatantly?
2024-06-12 22:33:16

Same with this "Maven" thing today.
They want to make some kinda AI-edited personal-magazine. A narrow-focus news show, personalized for you by terra-flops of statistical correlations.
People do seem to like algorithmic feeds. Nobody can read everything, so some kinda summary or selector is inevitable.
But to do it, you gotta read everything.
That mega-mind is gonna be babbling to bosses and dates about every public word on the web whatever your privacy settings say.
These folks have "deleted" the data for now at least.
But that T&C's switcheroo is even easier if we never signed any T&Cs and they have implied consent because google made the precedent back in the 90s when they indexed the whole web.
#maven #consent #ai
2024-06-12 22:28:44

Been thinking for a while about Facebook's AI Terms and Conditions switcheroo.
People all joined Facebook because they didn't want a public blog, especially one their boss might read. They wanted one only their friends could read.
And now Facebook are gonna just feed the whole lot into their mega-mind and let every advertiser and recruiter and boss you ever work for ask it about you.
There's no way to stop them coz they'll do it even if you object, even if it's illegal, even if they expect to get a giga-fine. I don't expect they really honour delete requests. Things sometimes pop back into existence eh?
#facebook #ai #consent
2024-05-15 22:13:05

Typical dialogue about consent
#RespectYoungAdults #SexPhobia #Consent #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-06-09 13:23:23

I got a notification to opt-out of #Meta training AI on my data, when I couldn't deal with it. Then it was impossible to find.
Today, I succeed as follows, without using the app:
- Go to, click on your avatar in top right, select settings&privacy, then privacy center
- Expand "Other policies and articles" in the left pane
- Click "How Meta uses information for generative AI models"
- Search (Ctrl-F) for "right to object" and follow the link.
#consent #gdpr #facebook #optOut #EU