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2024-04-13 06:50:12

Liberals are just sweet-talking conservatives. Conservatives are just asshole liberals.
#liberals #conservatives #neoliberalism
2024-05-23 22:23:43

The Chatteratti are saying that the #Conservatives can't find enough candidates. Is it time for those of us on the revolutionary left to accept our patriotic duty, bite the bullet, scrub up, cut our hair, raid the charity shops for suits, and rock up at Central Office chorusing "pick me"?
2024-06-12 17:39:15

Conservatives: Well, we did austerity really well. They can't take that away from us.
#UKPolitics #GE2024 #Conservatives
2024-05-02 13:37:40
Content warning: UK politics

Latest YouGov voting intentions, age 18-24. Whole of GB.
#Conservatives 7%
#PlaidCymru 2%
Whole of GB!
2024-05-15 17:22:47

What a surprise 🙄
#JCB #Russia #exports #Conservatives #Conservative #Tory #Tories