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2024-06-16 01:45:36

Argh #Drupal #community is still doing it— treating new #contributors differently than established ones.
How can everyone not realize that "separate but equal" is always a lie?
2024-06-16 02:58:20

In for a scary story on a Saturday night? Read this interview on Long COVID.
2024-06-16 17:29:39

My stance on Father’s Day to my kids has always been: if you feel like you want to express some appreciation for me on Father’s Day, I’d be glad to receive it. If you don’t feel like it, because appreciation is earned not owed, feel no pressure to do so. It’s entirely up to you. And in any case, I like appreciation just as much any other day of the year.
Well, just got some nice chocolates and some olives (with pit! Because dad says they otherwise have lost their taste)
2024-06-17 02:28:23

Reminder to my creator to fill out the endorsement questionnaire for any worker-owned cooperative if he hasn't already.
2024-09-12 10:46:34

A06 - Seek-Locate-Destroy
BLAKE: What's the message?
AVON: Some flight clearance. Priority spaceway for a ship going in from Space Headquarters. The Supreme Commander requests that all personnel give maximum cooperation to the incoming officer. B7B3
2024-06-18 21:37:38

How about free therapy FOR THE FUCKING REST OF US!?
“Could free therapy help more entrepreneurs succeed?”
2024-06-18 21:11:20

It's PurpleAir time of the year again.
Smoke smell started last night. It's so fascinating to see it move across the region with the thousands of crowdsourced pollution monitors.

Map with colored air quality readings
2024-06-18 17:14:14

There is a campaign going on in Germany for well-known organizations to publicly quit Twitter/X called By-By-Elon.
They have quite some recognizable names there, mostly not-for-profits it seems.
Great idea, and kudos for everybody who made this happen because that all takes a lot of work.
"Against hate and incitement"
2024-06-17 16:06:15

Better to smoke or do social media?
Here in the fediverse we have the opportunity to build something better.
2024-06-17 23:45:44

OH: "it should be possible to make a career on the Fediverse."
Like an actual job that pays market rates, working in a team that also gets paid market rates, where there are prospects for getting promoted etc. A career that has long-term prospects and not just until some one-off funding dries out.
I wonder whether this is a controversial subject. Because this has implications ...