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2024-03-25 12:36:48

#GitHub #Copilot General Availability in the #CLI
2024-05-23 22:49:00

2024-04-17 19:35:23

A post from the archive 📫:
Building debugging context for Copilot Chat
2024-05-10 17:12:00

Did #GitHub #Copilot really increase my productivity?
2024-05-20 20:26:14

this would have been a great use of #GitHub #Copilot
"Looking at the provided XML files, none of the column names appear to be MySQL 8.0 reserved words. However, it's important to note that this analysis is based on the provided excerpts and may not cover the entire files. It's always…
2024-05-03 17:50:07
2024-04-17 08:10:11

Eigentlich schon ganz gut so ein Reviewer CoPilot.
Ich hab den Fehler einfach nicht gesehen, habe die Elemente mehrfach gezählt usw. :(
#github #copilot

[ T [~ R

QU R R your DataFrame columns. There is a missing ‘comma in your lst of column names between “Jira-Summary’ and ‘Release Versions'. This is R RS U PR ) [P ST SO LI,
2024-06-16 07:49:52

I for one am looking forward to Auguary
#copilot #ai

Copilot AI autocompleting all months to end in -ary.
2024-04-19 09:19:00

Unternehmen, die den #Microsoft #Copilot testen, äußern sich zurückhaltend: "Early Adopters of Microsoft's AI Bot Wonder if It's Worth the Money" (Wall Street Journal $) #AI
2024-04-17 12:57:00

Wow! Microsoft added #Copilot to my computer and it was really helpful from the very first time I used it
2024-06-12 12:58:10

Copilot ads in the Windows Network Console. #ai #microsoft #copilot
2024-05-17 09:22:25

Also #Copilot ist schon eine Hilfe bei den verwirrenenden Microsoft Dokumentationsseiten.
2024-05-05 03:28:39

Most AI applications are crap and a waste of electricity but I'm actually quite enjoying #Github's #Copilot for development. As I tell friends, development is 50% googling for how to do the thing you want to do, if Copilot can save me that time its a win.
I know its weird but when it finally suggests s…
2024-04-09 09:23:23

So, my #Copilot trial just expired, and while it did cut down on some typing, it also made me feel like the quality of my code was lower, and of course it felt dirty to use it considering that it's a license whitewashing machine.
I don't think I will be paying for it, I don't think the results are worth it.
2024-06-03 22:31:32


Lawrence from Office Space, “three meetings at the same time”
2024-06-09 17:30:27

Surely someone is going to realise that the whole Windows #Copilot spyware and the hand-wringing about children, #Onlineand #smartphones can be made to cancel each other out.
... A pitch (good evening dragons…
2024-03-27 14:45:01

TIL. The "buck" in "pass the buck".
Thanks ChatGPT for the info, but it is sad I've to cross-check the info with other AIs. 😥
#til #chatGPT #Copilot

White text on black, part of a dialog:

What is the buck in "pass the buck"?


In the phrase "pass the buck," the "buck" refers to a responsibility or blame that is passed from one person to another. This saying originated from poker, where a marker called a "buck" was used to indicate who the dealer was. When a player didn't want to be the dealer, they would pass the buck to the next person. Over time, it evolved to mean shifting responsibility or blame onto someone else.

The term "buck" in the phrase "pass the buck" originates from poker games in the mid-1800s. It refers to a marker, often a knife with a handle made of buck's horn, which was passed around to indicate who was next in line to deal. When a player was done dealing, they would "pass the buck" to the next person. This practice evolved into the figurative meaning of shifting responsibility or blame to someone else¹²³.
The word "buck" in "pass the buck" doesn't refer to the animal. It comes from a historical practice in card games, particularly poker [Wiktionary: pass the buck].

Back in the day, a marker  - sometimes a knife with a buckhorn handle -  was used to show whose turn it was to deal the cards [InfoPlease: Origin of "Passing the Buck"]. This marker itself came to be called the "buck". So, when a player didn't want to deal, they would literally pass the buck (the marker) to the next person, along wit…
2024-05-05 03:28:39

Most AI applications are crap and a waste of electricity but I'm actually quite enjoying #Github's #Copilot for development. As I tell friends, development is 50% googling for how to do the thing you want to do, if Copilot can save me that time its a win.
I know its weird but when it finally suggests s…
2024-04-01 07:39:48

US House bans use of #Microsoft #Copilot
The US House of #Representatives has implemented a strict prohibition on the use of Microsoft's AI-based chatbot, Copilot, by its staffers. …
2024-05-21 08:00:38

A bit of a rant (AdTech, Surveillance Tech, AI)
So… "#Microsoft announces #Copilot Plus PCs with built-in AI hardware". What joy/buzzword splurging this is…
#AdTech, #Alexa, #Nest, #Siri, "integration with OpenAI" do not help here either. Nor do things like the #BBC saying "just ask your smart speaker to play Radio 2" (:rolled_up_newspaper: News flash, your speaker isn't smart, it's just connected to something that can decipher some bits of language in specific orders… try using the command line, it's about as forgiving).
If people are going to trust it then it needs to be transparent in how it works. Having Microsoft Windows feed usage behaviour, email content, and goodness knows what else back into "the system" to "improve things" with no up-front way to opt-out is abhorrent. (When you start Microsoft Mail #Outlook Express, it says two things: 1. We'll store all your email on our servers, 2. We'll share "things" with over 800 third parties. If you don't like either of those things, don't use Outlook).
We thought #Google
was bad when it started scraping our email to place ads … when the OS starts doing that, you're in trouble.
And I'll just leave this here… "An attorney says she saw her library reading habits reflected in mobile ads. That's not supposed to happen"
2024-03-29 20:37:09

Dann probieren wir mal #copilot aus, dafür war bisher noch keine Zeit :)
2024-05-31 22:03:03

#infosec #copilot #microsoft_recall
On the one hand #Microsoft has Windows Defender that blocks k…

Tweet from @GossiTheDog.

Microsoft told media outlets a hacker cannot exfiltrate Copilot+ Recall activity remotely.

Reality: how do you think hackers will exfiltrate this plain text database of everything the user has ever viewed on their PC? Very easily, I have it automated.

Followed by a screen shot of opening the sqlite activity database with some example activity
2024-04-17 04:41:01

Quite a good comment on #AI-generated code:
First of all, writing code is considerably easier than reviewing code. With LLMs you can hope to automate the easy bit while making the hard bit harder because there is nobody to ask why they chose to do X two months ago. Also, there will be either zero documentation, unintelligible documentation, or plain wrong documentation.
#LLM #GPT #ChatGPT #Copilot
2024-06-07 17:53:45

Problem solved.
Can we shut the hell up about it now?
I literally had the mute the word "Recall" cause there was so many posts about it....🤦‍♂️
From: @…
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Microsoft #Recall #Copilot