Bernd: "In dieser Asia-Suppe waren drei Päckchen Zutaten, aber sie ist dennoch total geschmacklos."
Mela: *wackelt mit der Nase* "Vielleicht haben sie alles in den Geruch gesteckt?"
Bernd: "Du meinst, ich habe keinen Geschmack mehr?"
Mela: "Uh … Du hast nicht etwa Covid? Iss mal ein Stück Covid-Testschokolade."
Bernd: "???"
Mela: "Hat doch Lars mehrfach drüber geschrieben. Fast so gut wie ein Schnelltest. Aber wi…
Warum gibt es solche Blumenkübel nicht in der #Johannisstraße in #Osnabrück?…
Interesting report on an old #archival preservation technique and its challenge for #digitization.
A literal 'Spürnase' is helpful: "a faint scent of vanilla is present, a sign that the paper itself has begun to break down" 👃
Series B, Episode 11 - Gambit
AVON: Play, Vila.
VILA: What? B7B4
If MAGA fascist types have a weird biological fear of contracting diseases, that would kind of make sense in an uneducated, ill-informed logic sort of way.
It doesn't explain why so many got the heebie jeebies around wearing masks during COVID-19 but maybe these weirdos just hate the association they mentally have with masks & disease...?
"Hate body odour? You're more likely to have rightwing views" | Psychology | The Guardian
How I have used #Claude -- as expressed by Claude:
Methodology: copied text from my 561…