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2024-04-26 07:38:36

Guardian covid erasure (again)
This morning, the Guardian gives us a whole article about the increasing rate of strokes in the UK - somehow failing to mention the word "covid" at all.
Instead of a link to their denialtastic article, here's some actual research on covid, strokes etc:
"People who survived the first 30 d of COVID-19 exhibited increased risk of stroke (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.52 (1.43, 1.62)"
#stroke #CovidErasure #Guardian
2024-04-23 07:46:48

Whooping cough / covid erasure
BBC & UKHSA giving "immunity debt" rhetoric...
"Dr Ben Rush, from the UK Health Security Agency in the East Midlands, said ... “We were expecting a spike in cases, particularly after the reduced social mixing from the pandemic ... But it is a bigger spike than many of us were expecting.”"
Well that would probably be because you're in denial about covid's role in messing up people's immune systems.
#WhoopingCough #pertussis #CovidErasure
2024-04-12 18:32:18

Another covid erasure rant
Also from conversations at the dentist: staff don't test themselves regularly any more, but they do if they have respiratory symptoms!
There's a giant list of possible covid symptoms besides those! Like headache for example! Are we in a timewarp back to spring 2020?
It's really up in my face right now how weird the world is nowadays. No longer medical professionals' jobs to know even the basic facts necessary for infection control.
#CovidErasure #covid
2024-04-12 13:26:43

Covid erasure grump
Negotiating covid precautions, and the other person uses the expression "if it would make you feel more comfortable".
Wrong framing, people. It's not about how I feel! It's about whether specific viruses do or don't have the opportunity to get into my body!
I mean yeah, I _do_ feel uncomfortable when that risk is present - but that's a signal, not the actual point!
(I didn't take my vexation out on them. They don't know.)
#covid #CovidCareful #CovidErasure
2024-04-11 17:41:30

NHS, heart treatment waiting lists
"The number of patients with serious heart problems forced to wait more than 18 weeks for care has risen fivefold since Covid struck"
"Likely factors include “severe cardiac staff shortages” in the NHS, the ageing population and widening health inequalities"
And heart damage from covid, one might expect? But no mention of _that_ possibility!
Covid probably killed or disabled some of the heart experts as well.
#covid #CovidErasure
2024-06-01 17:38:09

sick kids / covid erasure
"Leaked emails from April reveal concerns... Birmingham Women's & Children's NHS Foundation Trust was “surging” with acutely unwell children, beyond the number of beds it has funding for.
"However, the emails say that there is no clear reason for there being such an increase in the number of sick children."
No clear reason?
Any ideas at all tho?
Could it have anything to do with... a virus which messes up immune systems?
#NHS #CovidErasure
2024-04-21 08:23:05

Masks in healthcare, or not
Talking elsewhere about healthcare workers who refuse to mask even when asked.
I think some of the resistance is that if they admitted it might be protective _this_ time, they'd have to admit it might have been protective all the other times. And that would mean they may have harmed people by not masking all along.
Denial is how they avoid confronting the dread & guilt of that.
#Masks4All #masks #healthcare #CovidErasure