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2024-05-23 00:30:32

New: Stonker of a myth-busting paper on masks, from Trisha Greenhalgh & team.
#masks #CovidIsAirborne
2024-05-31 10:12:25

Eind januari 2020.
CDC wist het al: #CovidIsAirborne maar het werd verzwegen. Ook bij de WHO, ook bij het RIVM. Met vele miljoenen onnodige doden als rechtstreeks gevolg.
2024-04-14 10:07:36

Air quality: Useful little video briefing, on why MERV-13 filters are more effective than HEPA filters in the context of an ordinary room.
#AirQuality #CovidIsAirborne
2024-03-28 18:40:42

Nou, dit mag wel in de krant.
WHO die eindelijk erkent dat #COVIDisAirborne .... en dat je daar wat mee (tegen) kunt doen ...…

picture of:
Short-range transmission (with many aerosols)
Long-range transmission (with less aerosols)

Figure 3. Multi-Box Model
Interaction of short- and long-range transmission and infection respiratory particles concentration reduction according to
distance from the source of infection.
2024-05-08 11:49:03

World Health Org air quality mismatch/hypocrisy
It's now come out that when the World Health Org did its own "return to office" in May 2020, they upgraded air quality! while telling _us_ "covid isn't airborne, that's a myth"!
Maaaybe the department talking to the world wasn't the same department as sorted out the precautions and wrote that document.
But still extremely "do as I say, not as I do".
Info & image via Maarten De Cock on Twitter.
#CovidIsAirborne #WHO
2024-03-29 23:48:04

Een zorgvuldige, uitgebreide en toegankelijke samenvatting van het WHO document dat deze week uitkwam waarin de WHO eindelijk maar dan toch toegeeft dat #COVIDisAirborne. Hopelijk het begin van een Schone Binnenlucht Revolutie! #SBR
2024-03-29 23:48:04

Een zorgvuldige, uitgebreide en toegankelijke samenvatting van het WHO document dat deze week uitkwam waarin de WHO eindelijk maar dan toch toegeeft dat #COVIDisAirborne. Hopelijk het begin van een Schone Binnenlucht Revolutie! #SBR
2024-06-01 18:48:40

increase in mask usage, maybe
I was travelling on trains the other day, and... I don't know if it's just random sampling variance or if it's significant, but I definitely saw a few more people masking than last time I did the same journey.
#masks #CovidIsAirborne #UK
2024-04-16 14:26:13

UK postal votes deadline
If you want to do postal voting in the May elections, the deadline for applications is tomorrow, 5pm, Wed 17 April 2024.
Deadline for registering to vote at all is 11.59pm today.
I'm planning to do mine on the postal vote form - so as to avoid the "prove who you are" shenanigans, and thus not have to remove my mask in a possibly-germy area. 😷
Application form:
#PostalVotes #UK #election #CovidIsAirborne
2024-03-30 18:50:16

air quality in schools - good article
"'Give children and teachers the same Covid protection politicians get': call for clean air in Lancashire's classrooms
"The cost of installing air filters in every classroom in the UK would be “eclipsed” by the health, educational and financial benefits of reduced absence and illness amongst pupils and staff who are being exposed to repeat Covid infections."
#CovidIsAirborne #schools #AirQuality #UK