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2024-06-06 15:38:07

Hoe Orban zelf bevestigt dat hij een russische trol is: "Hij wil niet meedoen met een eventuele NAVO-aanval op Rusland. Hij benadrukt zelf dat dat nu al niet verplicht is, maar hij wil graag dat een nieuwe secretaris-generaal dat expliciet bevestigt." ,
2024-06-07 17:20:52

LinkedIn will no longer allow advertisers to target EU users based on data obtained from their participation in LinkedIn Groups, following a complaint to the EU (Paul Sawers/TechCrunch)

Another prominent Russian judge has died after mysteriously falling from a high-rise building in Moscow.
Natalia Larina, 50, was known for convicting enemies of the Kremlin as well as high profile criminal cases.
She was found dead close to her apartment block on 1st Mashinostroeniya Street.
Several other high profile figures in Russia have died in mysterious circumstances in recent years, often falling from high buildings or suddenly becoming ill.
In February a promi…
2024-06-06 22:31:12

Why did US hesitate to allow Ukraine to hit Russia with American weapons?:
2024-06-07 15:41:59

Wat doet de EU om de energievoorziening in Oekraïne te ondersteunen?
@… Bram Claeys is energie-expert bij RAP, een NGO die zich bezighoudt met energiemarkten. Hij geeft meer uitleg.
2024-06-07 18:20:34

We hebben ook een elektrische verwarming die de warmtepomp moet ondersteunen als die het niet aankan. Die hoort dus nooit aan te slaan. #VanGasLos
Maar het kan ook zijn dat de hele, de héle installatie fake is en dat dit ding nu ons huis full electric gaat verwarmen. 😜

Electrische steunverwarming.
2024-06-06 13:27:35

I had this Android mini figurine custom made for my dad somewhere around 12 - 13 years ago. I had it made since he was a Marine and I wanted to give home something unique. It was made by someone on Japan and then shipped over to me.
It was one of my dad's favorite gifts that I had given him and he still had it when he passed away in July 2021. It's been at my cousins house this entire time as that's where dad was living when he passed away. (cont...)

A photo of the Marine Corps custom Android mini figurine that I had made for my dad 12 - 13 years ago.
2024-06-06 07:41:18

Someone at the BBC needs to learn the difference between data and information.
The table below is packed full of data but actually tells the reader nothing.
Unless you're not only able to convert currencies in your head, but also have a firm grasp of the relative purchasing power & disposable incomes of consumers in the US, Canada, and the UK, it's impossible to derive anything meaningful from these numbers.
#data #DataAnalysis
Source is and that doesn't help.
2024-06-07 13:30:44

The British Independent Retailers Association files a £1.1B lawsuit against Amazon for allegedly misusing members' proprietary data for competitive purposes (Ingrid Lunden/TechCrunch)
2024-06-06 07:41:18

Someone at the BBC needs to learn the difference between data and information.
The table below is packed full of data but actually tells the reader nothing.
Unless you're not only able to convert currencies in your head, but also have a firm grasp of the relative purchasing power & disposable incomes of consumers in the US, Canada, and the UK, it's impossible to derive anything meaningful from these numbers.
#data #DataAnalysis
Source is and that doesn't help.