It's Time To Oppress Conservatives by A.R. Moxon
Sep 14, 2024
With a generous, diverse, and open world that will care for everyone, even for them.
Series B, Episode 10 - Voice from the Past
VOICE: [V.O.] Reporting Governor Le Grand and deputies embarked on Atlay shuttle. Docking on schedule at conference centre. B7B5
From #HannaHumenchuk #Ukraine
Унікальне видовище! Неймовірна краса! Квітнуть чарівні водяні лілії-німфеї на озері Тельбін у Березняках Києва.
A unique sight! Incredible beauty! Charming water nymphaea lilies bloom on Lake Telbin in Berezniaky, Kyiv.