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2024-06-15 09:21:02
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It's the #DayOfDionysos here at Erotic Mythology! 🍇
"Mountain-roaming #Dionysos carried off the fair #Adonis,
And ravished him, and reaped a wondrous joy."
Plutarch, …

Marble sculpure of Adonis lying dead or dying. His face is serene and no injuries can be seen, so that the onlooker might think he is just asleep.
2024-06-08 09:31:01
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It's the #DayOfDionysos here at Erotic Mythology! 🍇
"#Dionysos was loved by #Chiron, from whom he learned songs and dances, the bacchic rites and initiations."
Ptolemaios …

Black-figure vase painting suggested to be Achilles riding Chiron. The centaur is depicted with human front legs and a beard. A youth is riding on his equestrian back, possibly Achilles or any other of his numerous wards.