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2024-05-17 08:42:39

I'm looking to contract with a #Drupal consultant to make a Drupal 7 site as reliable and bug-free as possible for the next 6 months while another team (already in contract) builds its Wordpress replacement.
(Context: I'm the IT Manager at a research nonprofit)
Recommendations? Hoping for someone with integrity, who has suitable Drupal skills, who works well remotely, and who …
2024-06-16 01:45:36

Argh #Drupal #community is still doing it— treating new #contributors differently than established ones.
How can everyone not realize that "separate but equal" is always a lie?
2024-06-08 16:53:38

Hang on, this is really 3 minutes walk from a DrupalCamp venue? What a way to finish the day!! 💙
@… #Drupal

Looking out across the beach to the sea. Cliffs either side of the bay. Low tide.
2024-06-03 12:15:53

I need some good quality docs and blogs for Drupal and Rust (webdev) resources for
I see in my logs that this is what some people search and the current results are meh, not even close to be good.
Any hints for high quality content appreciated
#webdev #drupal
2024-06-04 13:47:35

I am *loving* what are doing with collaboration in #Drupal 💙💙💙
2024-05-29 14:16:57

By the time of @…, my #Drupal account will be old enough to drink...
2024-05-04 13:42:02

This article uses #React as it's main example, but it applies to #Laravel, #Tailwind, even #Drupal just a much. I say …
2024-05-04 13:42:02

This article uses #React as it's main example, but it applies to #Laravel, #Tailwind, even #Drupal just a much. I say …