#Littering und #Autoverkehr haben in #Osnabrück einiges gemeinsam. Erhebliche ökologische, ästhetische und ökonomische Schäden sind die Folge.
#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 08 - Duel
SINOFAR: They have been recharged. I will see that your ship gets away.
BLAKE: Another reason why I didn't kill Travis: I would have enjoyed it.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/108/466 B7B1
Question about #Caddy: Does the acme_server db increase in size until disk saturation or is there a pruning mechanism somewhere to delete expired certificates?
I could not find any option regarding pruning, in the Caddyfile config, nor in the JSON config, and I failed to spot any in the source code...
I have a db file still containing certificates that are several months old. The db file was stored in a volume with very limited size and the db ended up filling it entirely (> 100MB) for 20 ACME clients. Chaos ensued.
#infosec #acme #devops
Hat sich #Osnabrück zur traurigen Hauptstadt der #Verdrängung entwickelt, wo Menschen unter dem Vorwand fadenscheiniger Gründe u.a. skrupellos aus der Johannis- und Frankenstraße vertrieben werden?
Die Verantwortlichen können sich ja in Sichtweite des Rathauses (im Bereich der Stadtbib…