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2024-03-17 09:56:03

#Extractivism #Lithium #EnergyTransition
Surviving the white gold rush – life in South America’s ‘lithium triangle’ | Environment | Al Jazeera
2024-03-04 08:14:36

Euphemisms in a #climate talk - in one #SEAsian country, "anti-corruption" drive is creating "policy uncertainty" that harms progress on the #energytransition.
Of course, the &qu…
2024-05-04 17:42:53

Koen Schoors (#UGent) stelt het nog eens duidelijk in De Morgen:

"Wat mij opvalt is dat iedereen altijd spreekt over de kosten van de groene transitie. Ik vind dat niet correct: zonnepanelen of windmolenparken zijn geen kosten maar investeringen waar wij – als het goed aangepakt wordt – later de vruchten van gaan plukken. We laten nu al honderden miljarden per jaar wegvloeien naar gas- en oliebedrijven in landen met bedenkelijke reputaties. Als we dat kunnen omkeren, is dat driedubbele winst: we gaan geld besparen, minder koolstof uitstoten én autocratische …
2024-04-02 13:18:00

#EnergyTransition continues at rapid pace in Europe. EU-27 electricity generation, Q1: YoY growth 2024/2023 Wind, Water & Solar (#WWS) accelerates to 15.8%, pushing fossil generation further away: -17.2%. Nuclear status quo.

Electricity production EU-27, Q1.
2024-04-13 14:57:32

#Shell defends the climate like a fox guards a henhouse. By 'energy transition' they probably mean the transition from bad to worse. Well, as long as they can line their pockets... #EnergyTransition #FossilFuelsOut #EndFossilFuels
2024-02-18 14:36:01

Wind and solar are delivering an #EnergyTransition at record speed
2024-02-24 12:14:35

Russia's full-scale attack on #Ukraine was accompanied by an energy war against Europe. The energy price spike was caused by Russia, and the energy transition helps Ukraine (by reducing Russian income) and makes the rest of Europe less dependent on Russia.
We need to push on!
2024-04-25 23:39:25

🌋 How new tech is making geothermal energy a more versatile power source