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2024-06-17 08:33:16

#Einsamkeit ist unter Jüngeren weit verbreitet

A victory for Donald Trump in November’s presidential election could lead to an additional 💥4bn tonnes of US emissions by 2030 💥compared with Joe Biden’s plans, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.
This extra 4bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2030 would cause 💥global climate damages worth more than $900bn, 💥based on the latest US government valuations.
For context, 4GtCO2e is
👉equivalent to the combined annual emissions of the EU and Japan, 
👉or the combine…
2024-06-17 10:03:38

Ukraine ohne Einigung mit Gläubigern
Die Ukraine hat in den Verhandlungen mit Gläubigern keine Einigung erzielt und damit die Gefahr einer Zahlungsunfähigkeit nicht abgewendet. Bei den Gesprächen mit einer Gruppe von Anleihekäufern habe man sich nicht auf eine Umstrukturierung internationaler Schulden in Höhe von rund 20 Milliarden Dollar einigen können, wie es hieß. Die Zeit drängt: Am 1. August läuft ein zweijähriger Zahlun…
2024-06-18 00:03:46

I'm still getting used to the fact that people follow me cause they agree with what I say or like what I post and not necessarily because we had an interaction.
It's not a bad thing, obviously, I appreciate all of you. I'm just not used to it, so I tend to go to every new followers page thinking "hmm, how do you know me?" 🤣 Like I don't post random shit 24/7 and people pull my name out their asses or something. :kekl: :kekl: :kekl:
2024-06-18 12:38:07
Content warning: mini eco rant

Gotta love how companies are trying to be more eco but making it way more complicated that it should be even though they already had a working design.
The packaging on the right is just a simple cardboard try they put the batteries in and then tape it to the flat cardboard piece
The packaging on the left has a whole separate shaped tray in there so it all takes up much more space for no reason.
The simpler packaging has existed for pretty sure like 7 years

Eneloop packaging
2024-06-18 09:32:52

This has been replaced.
2024-06-18 12:47:16

This makes me want to cry.
Because I can’t count how often I’ve needed to point out to “software engineers” that they are NOT leaking memory and they do NOT need a bigger box, just because over time the total memory usage approaches 99%
One guy was so committed to not believing the #sysadmin that he ended up being fired for an over-reaction. I never wanted that but I‘m not the one who…
2024-06-17 19:57:31

New tactic: given my computers (currently) run GNOME, and I want to be able to share my experiences (positive or negative) without having folks jump down my throat every time I post about an issue I encounter, I’m going to ensure that the folks who are negatively affected by such posts don’t see them. I mean, I don’t think anyone can argue I’m complaining to the GNOME team if they can’t see my posts, right? But also, seriously, introspect your culture if this is what it leads people to do.…
2024-06-18 13:19:04

«El lenguaje escrito con ordenador tiene menos diferencias con el lenguaje oral por el simple hecho de que el mecanografiado sigue una estela, podemos decir, mšs expeditiva. Así como hablamos ršpido, el lenguaje escrito con ordenador tiende a emular ese aspecto. Y claro, cuando hablamos nos olvidamos, sin duda, de buscar la voluntad de estilo que sí puede encontrarse en el ensimismamiento que procura la escritura a mano.»
2024-06-17 07:18:08

Some things never change: how far generative AI can really change software engineering practice
Aline de Campos, Jorge Melegati, Nicolas Nascimento, Rafael Chanin, Afonso Sales, Igor Wiese