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2024-05-11 19:50:25

Keytar spotted #eurovison
2024-05-11 19:53:04

Song 9: cheers, Terry Wogan 🍹 #Eurovison
2024-05-11 20:29:30

Ah, Windows 95 man #Finland #Eurovison
2024-05-11 21:55:49

Nemo reçoit 12 points de l'Ukraine! #eurovison
2024-05-11 21:15:30

Right! Outside for an #aurora check! #Eurovison
2024-05-11 19:48:31

#Spain's husband and wife team is up. #Eurovison classic!
2024-05-11 21:12:16

Ooh, dance beat starting. Party time! #Austria #Eurovison
2024-05-11 21:07:05

#France is all about the singer, and rightly so #Eurovison
2024-05-11 21:58:38

Nemo reçoit 12 points de Luxembourrg et Azerbeidjan #eurovison 19 points avant deuxième
2024-05-11 20:08:41

Cheer for #UnitedKingdom and Olly Alexander! Yeaaa #Eurovison
2024-05-11 20:12:33

The staging on #UnitedKingdom's entry is something else #Eurovison
2024-05-11 20:07:16

Middle eastern beat on #Greece, which is a popular choice this year #eurovison
2024-05-11 21:04:05

Really talented singer from #Georgia. Is this the one with blindfolds? #eurovison
2024-05-11 20:19:16

I don't know what genre this is - fables and punk pop? Somehow it all fits together perfectly #Norway #Eurovison