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2024-06-01 12:43:31

Offenbar gibt es eine Brücke zu Bluesky.
Nützen oder nicht?
Gibt es eine Meinung dazu unter Fediversum-Cracks?
Vielen Dank für Eure Einschätzungen!
#fediHelp #Bluesky
2024-05-01 17:16:42

Ok smart folks how do I fix this issue? I've tried:
* rebooting
* regenerating my personal token for Tower
* removing the github/Tower keychain entry
EDIT: hitting escape makes things work, but it still comes back
Please boost.

Screenshot with “git-credential-oskeychain wants to access key "" in your keychain.” error message. And a place to enter my login password.
2024-05-29 06:03:51

Anyone who knows about the best free automated translator for WordPress sites, do let me know.
#WordPress #Plugins
I know this is not Fediverse-related, but I'm looking for the help of great smarties of #FediHelp
2024-05-19 14:02:51

I could use some #FediHelp with descriptive #statistics: I've been sampling a property that varies wildly (no known pattern, out of scope), but I know it to be consistent at each point in time. On ~100 points in time, I took 2 measurements, and repeated it for different setups.
To compare the…
2024-05-14 09:28:50

Meine Mama hat ein altes Android-Handy von Huawei. Bei ihr funktioniert die vorinstallierte App für die Telefonie nicht mehr. Kann eins die irgendwie umgehen? Gibt es Apps, mit denen eins telefonieren kann, sodass es nicht auf dem Datenvolumen aufschlägt, sondern bei der Telefonie?
Edit: Bitte nicht mehr teilen, ihr habt so viele liebe Tipps gegeben, denen will ich erst mal na…
2024-04-19 20:19:35

shot in the dark but a book i've forgotten: y/a, albeit mature. it was depressing and subversive / sarcastic of coming-of-age stories.
#book #fedihelp #bookHelp
2024-05-08 07:25:33

Does anyone know whether/how it is possible in Mastodon to search for hashtags but restrict the results to a given thread (i.e. subtree of a given root)?
Maybe there are thirdparty services for this?
#fedihelp :BoostOK:
2024-05-14 09:28:50

Meine Mama hat ein altes Android-Handy von Huawei. Bei ihr funktioniert die vorinstallierte App für die Telefonie nicht mehr. Kann eins die irgendwie umgehen? Gibt es Apps, mit denen eins telefonieren kann, sodass es nicht auf dem Datenvolumen aufschlägt, sondern bei der Telefonie?
Edit: Bitte nicht mehr teilen, ihr habt so viele liebe Tipps gegeben, denen will ich erst mal na…
2024-05-28 11:53:13

Dringend notwendige Ohroperation bei einem unserer Patenkinder in #Indien #spenden
2024-05-14 06:05:30

Why does everything have to be confusing? Why can't stuff just "work"? 😩
Trying to setup Backblaze B2 with Sharkey and there's a "Base URL" option. I asked about it in the Sharkey discord and was told I could "CNAME a subdomain to the bucket". Which I know how to do 2/3 of that but once I enter the subdomain for CNAME, how do I link that to the bucket?
I kinda wish Mastodon didn't exist at this point with how straight forward everything is vs how not straightforward this has been so far.
I prefer the Misskey/Sharkey look, but I am SO spoiled by Mastodon's documentation.
#Sharkey #Fediverse #FediAdmin #FediHelp
2024-05-15 11:50:41

I don't understand exactly where and how you self-host Anytype. Can I get some #Fedihelp? #Tech #Anytype #Productivity
2024-05-14 06:05:30

Why does everything have to be confusing? Why can't stuff just "work"? 😩
Trying to setup Backblaze B2 with Sharkey and there's a "Base URL" option. I asked about it in the Sharkey discord and was told I could "CNAME a subdomain to the bucket". Which I know how to do 2/3 of that but once I enter the subdomain for CNAME, how do I link that to the bucket?
I kinda wish Mastodon didn't exist at this point with how straight forward everything is vs how not straightforward this has been so far.
I prefer the Misskey/Sharkey look, but I am SO spoiled by Mastodon's documentation.
#Sharkey #Fediverse #FediAdmin #FediHelp
2024-05-15 12:07:45

Been having a strange issue on the new Sharkey instance.
I have object storage on and it's going through my domain through cloudflare. However, sometimes the uploaded media goes to the and sometimes it goes to media.thesocialzone/file/<bucket>. I believe the 2nd one is correct but I'm not sure why it's going to a proxy folder. Could this be because I have the "proxy" setting on cloudflare for the object storage and I should turn that off? 🤔😬
If anyone knows anything and can offer advice, please let me know.
#Fediverse #Sharkey #Misskey #Fedi #FediHelp
2024-05-15 12:17:20

Also, apparently users can't change their password....😳
That's a completely different issue and for that I don't even know where to start....😬😩
Endpoint: i/change-password
Info: {"e":{"message":"incorrect password","code":"Error","id":"cf50413a-756b-43b5-a7f8-9e29c88b3d17"}}
Date: 2024-05-15T12:12:33.258Z
If anyone has any ideas on this, please get back to me. I'm so confused on this.😔
#Fedi #Fediverse #Sharkey #Misskey #FediHelp #FediAdmin