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2024-06-16 11:54:10

How do we get meaning into a knowledge graph? For this, we need explicit formal semantics based on ontologies. Otherwise, we could only make use of structural or statistical properties of the graph. In lecture 06, we started with the #knowledgegraphs chapter of #ise2024, which will cover the e…

slide prom the knowledge graph lecture of ISE 2024. It depits a graph of 7 nodes, cross connected by edges. The nodes are labeled with arbitrary numbers, as are the edges. We as humans can't make sense of those numbers, as also the machin can't make sense of such labels, even if they would be given in natural language terms. We need formal semantics to convey the meaning of nodes and edges to the computer...
2024-06-16 11:54:10

How do we get meaning into a knowledge graph? For this, we need explicit formal semantics based on ontologies. Otherwise, we could only make use of structural or statistical properties of the graph. In lecture 06, we started with the #knowledgegraphs chapter of #ise2024, which will cover the e…

slide prom the knowledge graph lecture of ISE 2024. It depits a graph of 7 nodes, cross connected by edges. The nodes are labeled with arbitrary numbers, as are the edges. We as humans can't make sense of those numbers, as also the machin can't make sense of such labels, even if they would be given in natural language terms. We need formal semantics to convey the meaning of nodes and edges to the computer...
2024-06-16 04:13:56

"California Forever" billionaires are only going to build a new suburb if Caltrans builds a new highway to it
Converting farmland to housing only makes financial sense when the massive expense of highways is subsidized by the state
2024-06-16 00:40:57

‘Ultimatums don’t work with Ukraine’ — Zelenskyy’s chief of staff responds to Putin’s peace proposal – POLITICO
2024-06-18 06:50:47

Formally Certified Approximate Model Counting
Yong Kiam Tan, Jiong Yang, Mate Soos, Magnus O. Myreen, Kuldeep S. Meel
2024-06-18 05:52:09

"Nichts auf der Welt ist so mächtig wie eine Idee, deren Zeit gekommen ist." (Victor Hugo, 1802–1885, frz. Schriftsteller)
2024-06-18 07:26:31

All-electron $BSE@GW$ method with Numeric Atom-Centered Orbitals for Extended Systems
Ruiyi Zhou, Yi Yao, Volker Blum, Xinguo Ren, Yosuke Kanai
arXiv:2406.11122v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: Green's function theory has emerged as a powerful many-body approach not only in condensed matter physics but also in quantum chemistry in recent years. We have developed a new all-electron implementation of the BSE@GW formalism using numeric atom-centered orbital basis sets (Liu et al., J. Chem. Phys. 152, 044105 (2020)). We present our recent developments in implementing this formalism for extended systems with periodic boundary conditions. We discuss its numerical implementation and various convergence tests pertaining to numerical atom-centered orbitals, auxiliary basis sets for the resolution-of-identity formalism, and Brillouin zone sampling. Proof-of-principle examples are presented to compare with other formalisms, illustrating the new all-electron BSE@GW method for extended systems.
2024-06-17 08:44:16

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2024-06-17 05:22:04

"Verteidige dein Recht zu denken. Denken und sich zu irren ist besser, als nicht zu denken." (Hypatia, auch Hypatia von Alexandria, 355–416, spätantike Mathematikerin, Astronomin und Philosophin)
2024-06-18 09:22:17

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