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2024-04-25 07:24:48

[Edit: turns out I don't need a extension for that, as overamplification can be enabled through the accessibility settings; see the second screenshot; thx to @… for pointing this out]
Finally installed a #gnome extension to raise the output volume above 100%…
2024-05-26 13:18:27

Unhinged action of the day: replacing #KDE applications with the #Gnome equivalents because I prefer the #libadwaita design, but staying on
2024-04-24 09:45:49

Is this a regression on Fedora 40 that anyone else is seeing? Apps that launch full-screen are launching at @1x resolution even though my screen is set @2x. Un-maximizing the app fixes it.
#fedora40 #gnome #regression
2024-04-11 09:06:34

#GNOMEBoxes doesn't see symlinked ISOs:
Not ideal for tracking your installation image files wi…
2024-04-22 14:16:00

the #GNOME user experience is
2024-05-11 16:13:16

Nordri, our garden gnome, has returned from his winter refuge. He looks like he put on a few extra pounds...
#Gardening #Gnome
2024-05-08 08:06:42

I felt like going out with only my Linux OnePlus 6T again. This time with Gnome Mobile. Wish me luck!🐧
#Linux #LinuxOnMobile #MobileLinux

Screenshot of the home screen of Gnome Mobile
2024-06-08 11:06:33

Learned of Ptyxis yesterday which, while geared towards container use cases, works very well as a themable replacement of #GNOME console. The visual identity of both terminals is effectively identical but the added touch of being able to control UI colors is enough to sell me over.
2024-06-14 10:41:29

My desktop is getting more cursed by the day. #KDE Plasma 6 running #Gnome apps with #macOS icons.

Screenshot of a Linux desktop using KDE Plasma 6. The foreground is the Gnome file manager, but with the macOS icons for all files and directories. The background is Firefox showing a Mastodon tab. The bottom shows the task bar, but the icons of the start menu is the Apple logo and the icon of the file manager is the macOS Finder logo.
2024-04-15 09:32:53

Resources 1.4 has landed on Flathub and brings with it some quality of life features and bug fixes along with an upgrade to the new GNOME 46 runtime! 🥳
It's also now compliant of the new Flathub guidelines!
#Flathub #Flatpak
2024-04-02 09:25:56

I have a terminal case of distrohopping disease that seems to come up whenever a new version of #KDE #Plasma or #GNOME is released.
This lead me to install the beta of
2024-06-01 14:11:12

How to fix dark theme in gedit 47.0
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.ui theme-variant dark
#gnome #darktheme #archlinux
2024-04-08 08:05:57

I'm building the #NixOS #GNOME 46 update locally to help test it and my CPU usage graph is now a solid block because of how long the CPU has been at 100% utilisation.
Who would've guessed rebuilding 3000 packages written in Rust, Haskell, C and JavsScript could be computationally expen…
2024-06-16 09:57:05

Which desktop environment do you use on your Linux machines? You can select multiple
#linux #desktop #gnome #kde