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2024-05-14 17:45:29

Watching #GoogleIO with deep, deep skepticism. Everything shown today seem centered around #AI, and I find it very hard to trust that these products will work *in any way* like they claim they would. The long tail for all of these problem domains feel very fat and very long.
2024-05-14 17:15:36

In case you can't watch Google I/O, here's a recap.

aliens guy meme with the caption, GEMINI
2024-05-14 18:51:43

#GoogleIO keynote is, foremost, a prompt for #Google's most #agile department: SuRePISS (SUnsetting or REnaming Products, Initiatives, and ServiceS)
2024-05-14 17:50:19

To me personally, this is the most boring Google IO ever.
I have absolutely no interest in AI related stuff in any way at all. Just not my cup of tea.
#Google #GoogleIO #IO2024
2024-05-15 07:34:54

TechCrunch: "In case you missed today's #GoogleIO keynote presentation, we summed it up for you"
2024-05-14 23:22:25

Wenigstens scheint das LLM in Chrome lokal zu laufen und nicht cloud-based wie bei Microsoft zu sein.
Ich kann mir sogar vorstellen, damit Seiten zusammenzufassen, aber dafür müsste ich Chrome benutzen.
2024-05-14 18:08:29

I thought IO was going to be useless this year, but based on the various shitposting I'm seeing, it's finally making a lot of devs realize how potentially bad AI can be, so that's good.
2024-05-14 13:58:33

Who here will be tuning into Google I/O 2024 today at 1pm EST?
If so, what are you hoping to see or hear them talk about or announce?
For me, I'm only interested in the Android 15 related stuff and not much else. Especially not interested in AI/Gemini stuff in any way at all.
#Google #GoogleIO

An image of the Google I/O 2024 logo.
2024-05-15 07:25:02

The #googleio "developer keynote in 5 minutes" video tells me all I need to know about how #Google is desperate to push #AI and #gemini