Most nearby young star clusters formed in three massive complexes: #StarClusters Originate from Only Three "Families": #AAS244 presser gone open access only belatedly. Presser #3 came only with the press releases and and no papers).
Back to just the four of us. I made biscuits with egg and bacon, tea and coffee. Marie is grumpy since normally she does Wednesday biscuits! #TogetherBreakfast
Hassrede auf #X - Hateaid und Avital Grinberg klagen - Vor dem Berliner Landgericht ist zunächst kein großer Erfolg zu erwarten. Selbst wenn die Richter die Klage in Deutschland zulassen, sehen sie für die Sache wenig Chancen: Community-Standards seien eher unverbindliche Regeln, die sich X selbst gegeben habe, so die #Zeit
Grumble Warning:
People whose Apple watches continually but erratically blink during a theatre performance.
Turn them off or take them off.
The fact that Lynn Conway can die without much media notice after living out a modest retirement in rural Michigan on a day when Elon Musk gets headlines for shitposting Apple and demanding billions in compensation for leading a company into a free-fall says everything about our media’s comprehension of technology and the people who really matter to its advance.
@… well done.
If this were my dog, he'd have been looking at the food in a mirror.
@… well done.
If this were my dog, he'd have been looking at the food in a mirror.
Huntington Place is right up against the river. I wonder if there’s any way we can just shove it into the water when all the TPUSA assholes & Cheetolini are there…
@… @… Repo Man, of course.