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2024-04-28 15:31:10

Who loves her daddy then?
#EllieKPosts #Zaz #ZazTheCornishRex #CornishRexCat #happiness #timelineCleanse #CaturdayEveryDay #cats #CornishRex

This sounds supercool! I'll keep trying to get it from libraries. I don't want to steal it...yet.
Intersection of #Science #Arts #Books #Happiness
2024-04-07 12:03:10

Mit das Schönste am Leben in Dänemark sind ja die freundlichen Steckdosen
#DanskerTrut #danmark #exile

Foto einer dänischen Wandsteckdose. Der Schutzleiter, der aussieht wie ein kleiner lächelnder Mund, sitzt in der Mitte unter den beiden Öffnungen für den Stecker. Dadurch sieht die Steckdose aus wie ein lächelndes Gesicht.
2024-04-29 14:02:30

Who loves her daddy then?
(One minute video)
Zaz certainly knows how to show her favourite human that she can't wait for him to come in. He had been out for all of 20 minutes.
I can't upload the 1 minute video here, unfortunately. It sank without trace, almost, yesterday. So the link to watch the clip is here
#EllieKPosts #Zaz #ZazTheCornishRex #CornishRexCat #happiness #timelineCleanse #CaturdayEveryDay #cats #CornishRex