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2024-05-26 10:22:00
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It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
"The torch of love was stronger than the blaze of his [Helios] car and the shining of his rays, when he bathed his fiery form in the eastern waters, he beheld the maiden close by the way, while she swam naked and sported in her fa…

Red-figure vase painting of Helios whose sunwagon is not pulled by horses but by two Erotes. An animal crouches beneath the wagon, possibly a hare, a lover's gift.
2024-06-17 07:00:04

Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen in the Heliosphere: New Horizons Observations in the Context of Models
P. Swaczyna, M. Bzowski, K. Dialynas, L. Dyke, F. Fraternale, A. Galli, J. Heerikhuisen, M. Z. Kornbleuth, D. Koutroumpa, I. Kowalska-Leszczy\'nska, M. A. Kubiak, A. T. Michael, H. -R. M\"uller, M. Opher, F. Rahmanifard
2024-05-12 10:21:01
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It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
"For Helios' (the Sun's) lot is toil every day and there is never any respite for him and his horses, from the moment rose-fingered #Eos

Vase painting of Helios, the Sun, rising from the sea in the morning. He is standing in his chariot, holding the reins and a riding crop. His head is surrounded by a shining aureola. A fish and shellfish represent the sea while stars litter the night sky above.
2024-06-14 00:04:31

NASA’s #Voyager 1 spacecraft is conducting normal science operations for the first time following a technical issue that arose in November 2023: - its four instruments study plasma waves, magnetic fields, and particles; Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are the only spacecraft to directly sample interstellar space, which is the region outside the heliosphere — the protective bubble of magnetic fields and solar wind created by the Sun.
2024-06-17 07:00:08

A SART-Based Iterative Inversion Methodology to Infer the Solar Rotation Rate from Global Helioseismic Data
Sylvain G. Korzennik, Antonio Eff-Darwich
2024-06-18 09:33:23

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initial toot:…
2024-06-02 10:23:00
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It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
"#Poseidon and Helios might be said to be rivals. And it may be that Helios was vexed at the boy [Nerites] travelling about in the …

Red-figure vase painting of Helios in his chariot pulled by four white horses as he rises from the sea, indicated by fishes and dolphins below him.
2024-05-05 10:21:00
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It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
"Now Helios (the #Sun) of a new day struck on the ploughlands, rising out of the quiet water and the deep stream of Okeanos to climb the…

Mosaic of Helios, the sun god, arising with his chariot from the waves of the eastern Ocean.
2024-05-28 18:46:05

Multi-source connectivity as the driver of solar wind variability in the heliosphere: #SolarWind unveiled by Solar Orbiter mission:
2024-04-30 07:19:21

Effects of an Explicit Time-Dependent Radiation Pressure Force on Trajectories of Primary Neutral Hydrogen in the Heliosphere
Lucas Dyke, Hans-Reinhard M\"uller