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2024-05-26 12:27:10

"Take it"
#HelluvaBoss #stolitz #amki_art
2024-04-23 15:14:53

Getting into HH and HB has made me weirdly obsessed with feet. I just really like seeing characters with non-human feet, I think it's neat.
Anyway, fascinated by BlitzŸ's hooves-slash-claws(???) things. I don't know what they're supposed to be but I feel enlightened by my newfound knowledge.
2024-05-27 11:48:10

Cheek kiss
#stolitz #Fullmooncountdownkiss #amki_art #HelluvaBoss
2024-04-27 22:40:19
Content warning:

#HelluvaBoss short with Millie and her sister Sallie May just dropped!
2024-05-19 20:09:19

nsfw, HB, stolitz
Destressing by making blorbos fuck nasty, as one does
#stolitz #HelluvaBoss #amki_art
2024-05-19 20:09:19

nsfw, HB, stolitz
Destressing by making blorbos fuck nasty, as one does
#stolitz #HelluvaBoss #amki_art
2024-06-18 14:45:18

Random HB headcanon : Goetia don't have breasts, it's just chest feathers that are tucked inside the clothes in such a way that it LOOKS like breasts. But it's all feathers, nothing more.
Now imagine Stolas tucking his chest feathers into a bra-- [I am taken out back and shot]
2024-05-17 11:05:54

The stolitz duet is funny because Stolas is all dramatic like "if he's only here as a prisoner, what kind of monster does that make me?" meanwhile Blitz is hornier than should be legal at the mere thought of seeing him.
Complete disasters, the two of them.
#HelluvaBoss #stolitz
2024-05-17 11:05:54

The stolitz duet is funny because Stolas is all dramatic like "if he's only here as a prisoner, what kind of monster does that make me?" meanwhile Blitz is hornier than should be legal at the mere thought of seeing him.
Complete disasters, the two of them.
#HelluvaBoss #stolitz
2024-05-15 17:18:35

Thirsting about Stolas (HB), mildly suggestive artwork
Thank you HB merch team for consistently giving Stolas those delicious thighs and birthing hips in official merch even though he's pretty scrawny in the show most of the time (depending on the storyboard artists probably).
I am incredibly normal about that sexy bird.
2024-06-16 09:05:11

Not a moment goes by where I'm not thinking about those two specific frames in Truth Seekers.
The pained expression, the blush, the chin touch, the collar...
Tbh that entire sequence gives SO MUCH insight on Blitz and how he perceives himself and his relationships. This episode is such a wild ride.
2024-05-16 02:14:21

It just came to me at 3AM, but I've noticed HB episodes tend to follow a pattern between the 2 seasons :
E1 : subverting expectations (about the target / stolitz's relationship)
E2 : Stolas & Via-focused
E3 : someone's ex is there (includes gratuitous violence & sexual themes)
E4 : IMP have trouble with a mission/task because of an antagonist
E5 : M&M-focused
2024-04-14 11:23:10

Downloading Just Look My Way so I can listen to it on the train. I will definitely not regret this as I start weeping like a baby in public.
2024-04-14 11:23:10

Downloading Just Look My Way so I can listen to it on the train. I will definitely not regret this as I start weeping like a baby in public.
2024-04-13 09:51:20

Sometimes I think about how tiny baby Stolas was and I smile. Look at this tiny chicken..................he's so cute. :blobMeltSobLove:
2024-04-13 09:51:20

Sometimes I think about how tiny baby Stolas was and I smile. Look at this tiny chicken..................he's so cute. :blobMeltSobLove:
2024-05-11 10:54:45

I know Stolas wears thighs under his cute little romper but in my heart his legs are bare.
For horny reasons.
2024-05-12 10:36:44

Random HB thought : episode 8 of season 1 is great because it's a very cathartic experience after the emotional rollercoaster that was episode 7. It's a nice way to settle back down with nice music and animation and fun colors.
Other random HB thought : fans who watched the series in "real-time" must have had it very rough though, because they had to go from OZZIE's straight to The Circus with no emotional break in-between the two episodes. Oof.
2024-06-08 22:29:37

You know, it's good that Full Moon and Apology Tour were planned in May and June respectively because it means we don't have to stew for months after the emotional devastation that was Full Moon.
[Looks nervously at the multiple months between Apology Tour and Ghostfuckers]
2024-05-06 12:35:53

Studying Blitz's face...
#HelluvaBoss #amki_art
2024-05-06 11:39:28

Random HB thought : I think it's sweet that Loona sometimes slips up and calls Blitz dad even though she was almost an adult when he adopted her. Like, it says A LOT about how much he impacted her life in so little time that calling him dad is almost a reflex.
2024-05-31 17:30:30

Here's my spoiler-free review of Full Moon :
2024-04-30 18:13:30

I think fanworks that make BlitzŸ purr are just top-tier actually. It's so precious.
2024-05-31 16:16:31

Neck kiss Kiss kiss
#stolitz #Fullmooncountdownkiss #HelluvaBoss #amki_art
2024-05-29 20:20:39

Palm kiss
#stolitz #Fullmooncountdownkiss #HelluvaBoss #amki_art
2024-05-28 13:51:01

Forehead kiss
#stolitz #Fullmooncountdownkiss #amki_art #HelluvaBoss