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2024-05-16 21:19:30

#IDAHOBIT #Australia
2024-05-17 16:38:10

Was just reminded it's 17 May, which some people celebrate as International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia.
I'm not a fan of the name - partly because some people with actual phobias have advocated not using "-phobia" as a shorthand for prejudice, partly just because I think it's clunky :-)
But hey, it's a good day to re-up my little 2015 speech about bi erasure!
(7 min video)
#BiErasure #IDAHo #IDAHoT #IDAHoBiT #LGBT #LGBTQ #bisexual
2024-05-17 16:45:31

IDAHo, IDAHoT, IDAHoBiT - the name
Relatedly, a follow-up blog post from the following year, about name controversy!
"Actions like those, beyond the name, show whether the territory is primarily “bi erasure with a plausible-sounding excuse”… or whether it really is just about a clunky name."
#BiErasure #IDAHo #IDAHoT #IDAHoBiT #LGBT #LGBTQ #bisexual