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2024-09-22 16:10:52

🇬🇧 If you have a desire to do so, you can support my work on the Internet (projects and blog) 🙂
🇵🇱 Jeżeli masz chęć to możesz wspomóc moją twórczość w Internecie (projekty i bloga) 🙂
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2024-08-18 08:33:39

Instanz neu aufgesetzt mit #IPv6 only...
Mal sehen, wo es noch Probleme gibt...
2024-07-20 13:19:10

Christopher Hehir seems to want to swell the ranks of Just Stop Oil. I wonder if he's proud that the UN has commented on his extremism? I thought judges were supposed to stay out of politics, but the sentences seem motivated by politics more than justice.
2024-09-13 06:08:45

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Now that is an unattractive idea. I really could be quite annoyed if I thought we'd been the bait in a trap you'd laid for them, Avon.
VILA: Where's Tarrant? B7B1
2024-08-12 18:09:51

Yeah! That I'd like to see!
2024-07-18 07:55:39

Ukraine is not just about Ukraine. It is about Russian dominance in Europe. As the US's influence is about to wane, Russia wants to take its place.
If Europe wants to remain free, it needs to stand up to Russian influence and aggression. Otherwise we will all be run by Russian puppets.
I hope the talks taking place in Blenheim Palace today lays the foundations for a totally European replacement for NATO. The US can no longer be relied on.
2024-07-05 07:46:26

If we had PR, would there be a Labour/Lib Dem/Green coalition?
2024-07-04 12:16:16

This is quite a deviation from Monbiot's usual concerns. I agree with what he says. If Trump wins the presidential election, I expect Europe to be at war within five years.
I am a pacifist by inclination. But I also want to protect my children's freedom of belief, politics and sexuality. These would all be under threat under a Russian-installed British dictator.
I have absolutely no doubt that Farage would happily be that dictator.