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2024-04-18 22:55:28

Gave an improptu summary of the UBOS project and architecture and key differences at #IIW today in a session on Personal Data Stores. Others talked about #solid, #tbd/decentralized web nodes and more.
2024-04-17 19:03:34

The #IIW agenda wall today is effectively full. i was looking for a slot to talk about #FediTest and basically failed.
Wow, unconferences!
2024-04-16 18:09:28

In an #iiw session on the Content Authenticity initiative.
@… starts off by showing the famous made-up picture of the pope in the gigantic white puffer coat.
2024-04-16 18:59:23

About to run a session on identity and the open social web / fediverse at #iiw. Lots of unsolved problems.
2024-04-17 00:24:22

An entrepreneur -- who doesn't yet want to be publicly identified -- ran a session here at #IIW why he's pivoting his company out of the #SSI Self-sovereign Identity / #VC Verifiable Credential space after years of tryi…
2024-04-08 17:37:47

What about an #IIW session next week where we remind each other what we wanted the #socialweb to be ≈15 years ago before the big platforms took over and it all became non-viable since?
Which parts of the vision are again relevant and can we make them happen this time around now that we have a resurgence…