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2024-06-07 07:14:36

My @… workshop at #ITSNow made it to their PR department. We did indeed blink lights and connected through the Internet. Thanks Käthe Jagoditsch/FH Campus Wien for sharing this.

Video of ca. 2x4cm bare electrnic boards with USB connectors and LEDs being interacted both physically (color changing by device orientation) and through a computer command line.

Audio: [German; English below] "Wir beschäftigen uns heute im RIOT OS Workshop bei IT-S NOW damit, wie wir IT-Security auf embedded-Geräte herunterbringen. Die Dinger haben alle buttons, LEDS, können blinken; die challenge wird sein, dass wir dafür sorgen, dass nur die richtigen Leute mit den Geräten interagieren. Wir…
2024-06-05 09:57:32

Tomorrow at #ITSNow in Vienna, I'll be giving a workshop on #embedded development using @…. Come by, not only for the workshop, but also for many great talks on security.