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2024-12-12 12:20:16

«Kritische Infrastruktur–Bund muss mehr in Cybersicherheit investieren:
Das eidgenössische Parlament pocht nach dem Xplain-Skandal auf verbindliche Cybersicherheitsprüfungen wichtiger Produkte und rennt damit bei der Landesregierung offene Türen ein»
Unter anderem wäre zB das blinde Vertrauen in IT-Verkäufer sehr wohl zu überlegen und nicht alles nur kurzsichtig anzunehmen.
2024-12-13 19:41:37

How to Survive the Broligarchy

"‘The most important thing for ordinary people to do is do their jobs with competence. This kind of authoritarianism replaces competence with loyalty, so resisting that is vital.’ — Jason Stanley, Historian" (Carole Cadwalladr, How to Survive the Broligarchy)
2024-11-14 23:19:20

Article on media treatment of people with disabilities after the ADA was enacted in 1990.
A quote from the article:
"In the mind of the public and the media, there are 'legitimate' and 'worthy' disabilities, usually those visible to the naked eye, such as mobility impairments and blindness. At the other end of the spectrum, there are the 'undeserving disabled,' people who are thought to be to blame for their conditions."
2024-11-01 07:56:15

Classifying Bicycle Infrastructure Using On-Bike Street-Level Images
2024-11-06 17:41:57

Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
AVON: What did it say - decode.
ZEN: It is in Federation code nine. Message reads, "Top priority signal to any Federation pursuit unit, from Kommissar, planet Horizon. Request assistance. Ruler of Horizon unreliable, am disposing of him. Rebel spaceship at grid reference ten by thirteen double-u zed. Request you destroy this spaceship at once. Also inform Federation Central Control of this action. Await confirmation."

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image shows a man wearing a futuristic silver outfit in what appears to be a science fiction setting, likely a spaceship or a high-tech control room. The environment is dimly lit with sleek, modern design elements, featuring consoles and screens. The person is seated, looking focused and composed, as if engaged in an important task or decision. The outfit and setting suggest a scene from a sci-fi TV show or film, evoking an atmosphere of adventure and explo…
2024-12-09 00:16:01

Hmmm when I imported my Bookmarks.csv here they came upside down (older bookmarks at the top instead of at the bottom)
Is there any way to fix that?
2024-12-11 16:00:05

Mastering Rust's Error Handling: A Guide to Writing Reliable Code
Rust's error handling system is a cornerstone of the language's commitment to writing safe and reliable code. As a Rust developer, I've come to appreciate the power and flexibility it offers. The system is designed to make error cases explicit, ensuring that developers consider and handle potential failure scenarios. […]
2024-11-08 12:50:35

An in-depth review of the AsciiDoc workshop with #SimplexaCode at #CHopen #WorkshopTage 🔖 with lots of links on the design of impactful software documentation

A skyscraper of the Hochschule Luzern with partially blue and cloudy sky in the background, and train tracks underneath. It is labelled Purpose (sky), Cloud (clouds), Code (top floors), Documentation (ground floors), Infrastructure (train tracks)
2024-12-09 07:00:17

«Split Effects with no Content Duplication»
– from @…