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2024-12-14 13:37:02

Mullvad reparieren – #internet
2024-12-13 09:57:18

Call for Papers: “Understanding the Intersection”: Rhetoric, Race, and Religion
2024-12-12 07:00:10

«"Terms of Service; Didn't Read" (kurz: ToS;DR) ist ein Projekt, das im Juni 2012 gestartet wurde, um die "größte Lüge im Internet" zu bekämpfen: fast niemand liest wirklich die Nutzungsbedingungen, denen wir ständig zustimmen.»
P.S. Für mich pers. ein guter Einstieg um die Privatsphäre der Menschen im Internet und deren Nutzung zu erörtern, ist aber mMn nur erst der Anfang.
2024-12-12 00:18:45

M conto Mastodon ancian @… es defuncte perque le servitor es foras de linea e le administrator ha disparite. Dunque, io non pote migrar mi sequites e sequitores, e io debe recomenciar ab nihil. Si tu me ha sequite sur ille servitor, per favor re-seque me sur iste. Gratias! #interlingua
2024-11-10 13:47:32

Series A, Episode 10 - Breakdown
JENNA: It all happened so quickly. One minute he was crying with pain, then he went beserk.
VILA: I'm glad he's a friend. Could get very painful if he really didn't like you. B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image appears to be from a scene in a science fiction television show, possibly "Blake's 7," considering the actors mentioned. The setting looks futuristic, with what seems to be a spaceship interior, featuring control panels and a metallic design. Several characters are engaged in a conversation or interaction.

As for Gareth Thomas, Sally Kynvette, and Jan Chappell, without being able to identify individuals, I can't specify who is who in the image. Overa…
2024-12-12 09:40:40

Was soll ich dazu noch ergänzend sagen ausser: Das Internet und ihre Dienste muss dezentral und unabhängig gegenseitig weiter nutzbar sein. Dies bezüglich ist ua das Fediverse und andere Webdienste von Vorteil. Es muss nicht ALLES online abhängig sein.
👉 Nächtlicher Ausfall legte Instagram, Whatsapp und Facebook lahm
2024-12-12 10:49:15

ICSP 2025 : 10th International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology #acrel
2024-11-11 14:11:23

Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: [To Dayna] Stay with him.
[Somewhere else on the Liberator] B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a scene from the television series "Blake's 7." It features three characters in a futuristic, sci-fi setting with a greenish tint. The room is equipped with a modern chair and a transparent table. The characters appear to be having a tense interaction, suggesting a dramatic moment in the show. The series is known for its sleek, futuristic design and complex character dynamics."

Blakes7Bot, version 3.7.34.
2024-12-13 04:25:16

CFP: 2nd International Congress of Ecological Humanities
2024-12-11 22:06:09

ICHSS 2025 : 2025 11th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences (ICHSS 2025) #acrel