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2024-06-11 19:07:59

QR code SQL injection from popular biometric terminal
💥⁠#InfoSec #CyberSecurity
2024-06-14 21:03:17

Hey everyone. I'm promoting a new YouTube channel hosted by a friend and her family. I'm loving the content she's putting out there. Consider subscribing!
#infosec #training
2024-06-07 14:43:40

#Recall is the gift that keeps on giving. #infosec #microsoft_recall #microsoft
2024-06-12 16:24:27

#Tile has been breached according to @…. I'm disturbed to find out that they had a police query tool. I'm going to end up being a hermit just to have some god damn privacy from my government.
#breach #infosec
2024-06-13 20:05:20

The way you prevent big customers from being cranky about breaking SSO is to never give them *already broken SSO*
#Sysadminnery #InfoSec