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2024-07-04 12:16:16

This is quite a deviation from Monbiot's usual concerns. I agree with what he says. If Trump wins the presidential election, I expect Europe to be at war within five years.
I am a pacifist by inclination. But I also want to protect my children's freedom of belief, politics and sexuality. These would all be under threat under a Russian-installed British dictator.
I have absolutely no doubt that Farage would happily be that dictator.
2024-08-01 06:16:35

Aus dem nichts hängt ein Banner am Institut für Soziologie in Gießen. I like it.

Ein Banner an einem Plattenbau wird von Sonnenstrahlen angestrahlt. Auf ihm steht "Die Zukunft ist offen. Sie hängt von uns ab - von uns allen." - Karl Popper (1902 bis 1994) Wissenschafts und Sozialphilosoph
2024-08-29 07:55:46

#ErnstSieversStraße in #Osnabrück wird #Fahrradstraße

Radfahrer fährt über Kopfsteinpflaster an Ernst-Sievers-Straße in Osnabrück, das für Autos zur "Verkehrsberuhigung" gedacht ist. An den Seiten ist das Kopfsteinpflaster "abgesenkt".
Markierungen zur Instandsetzung auch in den Nebenstraßen der Ernst-Sievers-Straße.
Markierungen zur Instandsetzung auch in Abschnitten, die bei der Vorplanung nicht vorgesehen waren.
2024-08-29 11:43:10

It is a long time ago that I saw this error. There must be an Amiga Fan as developer for VirtualBox ;)
> Guru Meditation
Well, I guess these might be the last words of a W10 instance...

"Guru Meditation" as status message of a virrtual machine
2024-09-22 16:16:49

🇬🇧 Hi, I'm Tomasz! Hello everyone from! I moved here from my private instance
2024-07-29 10:39:16

Ultimamente si vedono tante longe Petzl adjust installate male sul proprio imbrago.
Riporto sotto le istruzioni di casa madre.
La longe della Petzl ha un asola precucita predisposta per abilitare l’installazione della longe sugli imbraghi da arrampicata.
L’asola é progettata per essere utilizzata sul anello di servizio creando una bocca di lupo.
Usare gli anelli dei cosciali e della fascia ventrale non permette di fare “un bocca di lupo” stabilmente assucato.

Documentazione Petzl su installazione longe
2024-07-27 10:23:03

the whole #innovation paradigm, including asking for more #startups, is just a pseudo-solution for the consequences of markets wich got closed by monopols
unregulated markets ruin the world by forcing products that are not adapted to a good life and instead only create or sustaine the
2024-09-22 16:28:38

🇬🇧 Is there already a clever way (or maybe there has always been, and I don't know about it) to add some more functionality to the #ActionButton of the new #iPhone? What I mean is, is it possible to assign some additional actions, e.g. for double or even triple presses instead of just the …