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2024-06-02 14:21:11

Warm-up für die morgen beginnende #jsail2024 #jsail
2024-06-05 06:06:12

Let start day #2 of #jsail with breakfast!
I got asked to offer a session about performance optimization (including JPA). After I was surprised yesterday how much interest in #batch there was I am wondering if more than one or two people are interested in

Blue sky with light clouds, green meadows and a canal with water in the front of the picture.
Breakfast tables, coffee in the front. There's more in the kitchen. Much more ;)
2024-06-04 20:12:50

#jsail #jsail2024 versammelt geballtes Musikwissen bei einer "kurzen" Runde Hitster.

Teilnehmer der Jsail Unkonferenz stehen und sitzen um einen Tisch voller Karten
2024-06-03 17:42:40

#JSail unconference started today. After the introduction round I think we'll have a lot of interesting discussions and a lot of fun. After dinner we are sitting at the fireplace. #Java #community

Sailing school building with benches in front of it
Couches, fireplace and a bottle of wine on a table.
2024-06-04 20:12:50

#jsail #jsail2024 versammelt geballtes Musikwissen bei einer "kurzen" Runde Hitster.

Teilnehmer der Jsail Unkonferenz stehen und sitzen um einen Tisch voller Karten
2024-06-04 09:59:57

#Jsail after warmup yesterday (day #0) we had two sessions for day #1 up to now. I learned as much in these two sessions as I usually do in a whole conference. More sessions and sailing upcoming later today. I am thrilled and do recommend the #unconference experience.

A table full of stickers
Stuff to learn juggling , by numbers
Schedule with post its in front of a window, green  meadows in the background
2024-06-06 08:10:33

Day #3 of #jsail2024 starting with a #Quarkus session. Probably supply chain security and #JPMS later. It's going to be a very interesting day again.

Flipchart with day #3 schedule written on Post-Its.