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2024-06-08 00:27:40

Planetary scientist Jonathan I. Lunine, the David C. Duncan Professor in the Physical Sciences and chair of the astronomy department in the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell, has been appointed chief scientist of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory: #JPL
2024-06-07 09:54:40

Als Antwort auf eine Umfrage mit dem Titel „wen würde Hitler wählen” (71,5% sagten AfD) [Campact].

Ein Screenshot einer Konversation auf Instagram wo Campact schreibt „erstaunlicherweise gingen 40% der AfD Wähler*innen selbst davon aus, dass Hitler die AfD wählen würde.”

2024-06-07 07:00:00

Gamma-ray burst interaction with the circumburst medium: The CBM phase of GRBs
Asaf Pe'er, Felix Ryde <…
2024-06-07 17:02:36

Meine liebste Sitcom der 90er war "Yeti und Plethi" - hab damals jede Woche eingeschaltet, immer nach dem Wort zum Sonntag. Was war Eure #LieblingsSitcom?
2024-06-07 20:32:56

Pitch to The Onion:
A social media platform that's optimized for trolls.
2024-06-07 17:48:46

Sobre el tema Jadue me voy a permitir hacer un comentario mšs: Sin duda no es un preso político y parece que hay antecedentes suficientes para presumir que se han cometido delitos durante su gestión como alcalde. Pero, en un país en que, para mucha gente, ser comunista es peor que ser violador de DDHH, defensor de pedófilos o corrupto, me parece poco probable que ese no sea un factor que haya influído, en mayor o menor medida en el proceso.
2024-06-06 23:13:35

Ozzy Osbourne – "Live Mr. Crowley" (1982)
Picture Disc EP
Terre Haute Pressing on Jet Records
I just opened this for the first time!
It's a low quality live version of "Mr. Crowley", with "You Said It All" and "Suicide Solution" on the b-side.

Same image as the 1981 LP "Diary of A Madman". Ozzy in a sequined cape sitting next to a cobweb covered candelabra, smiling with his mouth wide open. "Ozzy Ozbourne" in his signature font.
Close up of Ozzy in his cape. Mouth agape
2024-06-06 11:01:15

A win for the white grievance industry (Judd Legum/Popular Information)
2024-06-07 17:02:36

Meine liebste Sitcom der 90er war "Yeti und Plethi" - hab damals jede Woche eingeschaltet, immer nach dem Wort zum Sonntag. Was war Eure #LieblingsSitcom?
2024-06-07 01:04:07
