That time when John Spencer "Chief of Staff, Leo McGarry" won for Best Actor in 2002 at the 54th Annual Emmy Awards for The West Wing's season 3's "Bartlet for America" & "We Killed Yamamoto"
✅ John Spencer's Emmy Win…
Which of these are true? 😁
1️⃣ Chris Hemsworth's first job was cleaning human breast pumps.
2️⃣ Jimmy Fallon was once saved from wild coyotes by Dolph Lundgren.
3️⃣ Kumail Nanjiani tried to murder someone in Singapore.
Find out on:
✅ "True Confessions with Chris Hemsworth and Kumail Nanjiani" - Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
Question about #Caddy: Does the acme_server db increase in size until disk saturation or is there a pruning mechanism somewhere to delete expired certificates?
I could not find any option regarding pruning, in the Caddyfile config, nor in the JSON config, and I failed to spot any in the source code...
I have a db file still containing certificates that are several months old. The db file was stored in a volume with very limited size and the db ended up filling it entirely (> 100MB) for 20 ACME clients. Chaos ensued.
#infosec #acme #devops
Taking flight. Lovely #minimalist composition of a #gibbousMoon on a clear #blue #sky with no #clouds. A large #bird, possibly a #heron, winging along nearby. #MoonPhoto retooted from Jim Rion・ライオンジミー (@…). Jim, we are sure we'd call this a "good" and "interesting" picture. Looking forward to boosting & retooting more of your #lunar #photographs.
🔗 #StrawberryMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #bird #flight
California has the 5th largest economy in the world, bigger than India & just under Japan.
Now, Governor Newsom signed a law permitting Marijuana dispensaries to serve food & drink... so next year, come visit CA's Cannibus Cafes!
In other news, they just released 165pg of incriminating testimony & evidence.
"Trump's MELTDOWN Over New Election Fraud Evidence, Melania's Abortion Stance" - Jimmy Kimmel L…
Sequence of 3 full-frame #MoonPhotos in glowing #orange #gold, emerging from behind silhouetted #trees. Retooted from John Krantz (@…). Very nice #lunar imagery, John.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #photography #astrophotography #moon #lune #luna
#Sun & #Moon retooted from our #astrophotography #friend, webcubus (@…). Stunning visuals, webcubus!
🔗 #StrawberryMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #telephoto #closeup #sunspots #WaningGibbous