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2024-06-07 23:07:36

Trump Vows To Seize Spending Power From Congress - Joe.My.God.
2024-06-07 05:17:12

Jack Posobiec: "The Patriot Purge Has Begun" [VIDEO] - Joe.My.God.
2024-06-07 02:00:09

celegans_2019: Complete C. elegans neurons (2019)
Networks among neurons of both the adult male and adult hermaphrodite worms C. elegans, constructed from electron microscopy series, to include directed edges (chemical) and undirected (gap junction), and spanning including nodes for muscle and non-muscle end organs.
This network has 575 nodes and 5306 edges.
Tags: Biological, Connectome, Weighted

celegans_2019: Complete C. elegans neurons (2019). 575 nodes, 5306 edges.
2024-06-07 01:48:19

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Janos Starker & Gyorgy Sebok:
🎵 Danse de mariage op 21
#JanosStarker #GyorgySebok
2024-06-07 00:53:28

Bericht über US-Militärhilfe für die Ukraine
Die USA werden der Ukraine weitere Militärhilfe im Wert von etwa 225 Millionen Dollar zukommen lassen. Das erfuhr die Nachrichtenagentur AP aus Washingtoner Regierungskreisen. Das neue Paket umfasst demnach auch Munition, die gegen Ziele jenseits der Landesgrenze auf russischem Territorium eingesetzt werden kann, um die Stadt Charkiw vor einem schweren ru…
2024-06-06 20:34:29

Friedrich #Merz ist mir bei #Illner maximal unsympathisch vom Ausdruck und Habitus. Einfach unangenehm - inhaltlich sowieso jenseits jeder Vernunft.
Wie angenehm ruhig dabei Robert #Habeck auftritt.…
2024-06-06 08:05:20

Moving beyond factional-point scoring | Morning Star
2024-06-07 18:32:05

The Ubuntu install went perfectly smoothly on the main rig. The audio issue I had before was resolved when that mixer decided it didn't want to work with *any* OS. Still need to verify that the webcam works, but everything is looking pretty great at the moment. #linux
2024-06-06 20:18:59

So, decided to move from `plotly` and go with `cartopy` for the map rendering as I couldn't keep the warning polygons within the viewport of the generated image. For now, the map isn't a fixed aspect ratio which is annoying, but the warning area is now completely within the generated image. Learning about map projections has been a challenge, and once I can figure out how to wrap my mind around them I'll give the aspect ratio part another go. Until then: it works...
2024-06-06 20:18:59

So, decided to move from `plotly` and go with `cartopy` for the map rendering as I couldn't keep the warning polygons within the viewport of the generated image. For now, the map isn't a fixed aspect ratio which is annoying, but the warning area is now completely within the generated image. Learning about map projections has been a challenge, and once I can figure out how to wrap my mind around them I'll give the aspect ratio part another go. Until then: it works...