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2024-04-26 17:59:29

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
Kollektiv Turmstrasse feat. Joel Stewart:
🎵 When The Lights Go Lower
#NowPlaying #KollektivTurmstrasse #JoelStewart
2024-05-25 09:03:54

Kollektive Kaffeerösterei
Infoveranstaltung Hamburg
Mittwoch 05.Juni 18:30 Uhr
im Café Knallhart, Uni Hamburg
#Hamburg #Kaffeerösterei #Kollektiv

Infoveranstaltung la gota negra
2024-05-23 13:47:00

Kontrolle: Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragter klagt gegen Bundesnachrichtendienst​
Der BND hat der Datenschutzaufsicht Einsicht in Unterlagen verwehrt, die diese für die Kontrolle für unerlässlich hält. Ein Fall fürs Bundesverwaltungsgericht.​
2024-04-25 06:06:27

Social revolution, a how-to by @… (i know, it's NOT a how-to, fool), i loved reading this and was happy the campfire metaphor was not taken to a place i feared, the pissing on the embers before moving to the next campground:
"Social movements have an uphill battle. You’ve survived the initial repression, then you’ve survived the constant one-two punch of repression and recuperation. You’ve survived splintering by refusing to let the more radical elements within your movement be isolated and picked off. You’ve become a full-fledged revolution, combining mass social movements with militant actors who are redistributing property and defending the gains of the revolution.
The final recuperative force generally comes from within the revolutionary movement itself: authoritarianism. It’s Boromir grabbing the ring of power, it’s the Bolsheviks declaring themselves in charge of a pluralistic movement and killing everyone who disagrees with them.
The purpose of a social revolution is to redistribute power horizontally, but there will always be people who say “yes, and I should be given all of the power so that I can better redistribute it,” rather than continuing to work from the bottom-up model that built the revolution in the first place."
#revolution #anarchism