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2024-05-20 20:12:01

Having to recycle your #kubernetes nodes because the #HPA isn't scaling up your #Mastodon #sidekiq
2024-06-09 09:11:01

Interpretation of #Kubernetes #Gateway API v1.1…
2024-06-17 14:28:17

Why the FUCK is Cilium removed as an option in rancher now?
Does it have to do with the fact that cisco bought the company behind cilium?
#kubernetes #K8s #cilium
2024-04-09 12:17:36

Learning Kubernetes is a trip. I just changed the CPU reservation on a non-Kubernetes docker container on my host and EVERY K8S POD ON THAT HOST RESTARTED. That was fun.
#Kubernetes #Docker
2024-05-20 19:32:13

The fun part is that I've already accidentally ran with 3 nodes, while I need 4 over the past week occasionally. Tweaked my home brow #kubernetes cluster autoscaler a bit to aggressive and it took out a node while it shouldn't.
2024-04-12 20:08:08

okay, what are your thoughts about DoD's/Platform One's Big Bang #kubernetes setup?
#cybersecurity #cloudarchitecture
2024-05-20 19:32:13

The fun part is that I've already accidentally ran with 3 nodes, while I need 4 over the past week occasionally. Tweaked my home brow #kubernetes cluster autoscaler a bit to aggressive and it took out a node while it shouldn't.
2024-06-08 14:12:45

Half the #homelab is down for essential maintenance (new rack part one) and hopefully the only person that will notice is me. Incredible really…
#kubernetes #raspberrypi

A small modular raspberry pi computer setup with multiple circuit boards, a cooling fan, and a couple of solid-state drives (SSDs) on a wooden surface.
2024-06-13 17:22:03

Mastering #Kubernetes: Service and Network APIs (Service, Ingress, GatewayAPI)
2024-04-14 19:23:26

Reimagining how to deploy my #PHP applications to #Kubernetes. Turn between #Helm sub chart and Operator style. Requirements:
* A way to pick up configuration from the code (cronjo…
2024-05-28 19:11:52

SUSE Harvester is awesome. Not.
#Kubernetes #KubeVirt
2024-04-18 08:22:57

Installation was super easy (and way quicker then the housing assembly 🤣): install Lite OS, plug them in and wait for them to appear in the router, fix IP via DHCP, install k3s via installation script, and configure one as head, the others as nodes, and off you go. My "Hello World" on #kubernetes was running four pods of #nginx. Next I want to play around with #Kotlin on #Quarkus in #kubernetes and maybe also #kepler (for power consumption estimation). Any suggestions what else to do with it?
2024-04-09 20:11:58

Run your own #kubernetes cluster on #raspberrypi's they said, it will be fun they said. So now once every blue moon there is a leader change in the middle of a #terraform
2024-05-04 10:15:30

How to: #Kubernetes #Storage with #Longhorn
2024-06-09 19:41:25

Did a small but significant upgrade to the temporary #kubernetes node autoscaler. It will now turn on as many nodes as there are pending pods (whichever is lowest). This will save me from waiting up to 6 minutes before all nodes are online to handle #GitHub Actions workflows. And
2024-04-08 13:14:12

After migrating most workloads to Kubernetes, I've learned that syslog peace is excluding pretty much every Kubernetes error message I don't understand 🙂
#Syslog #Rsyslog #GrayLog #Kubernetes
2024-05-20 19:30:55

So instead I went with this tower, we have the same one downstairs powering the living room #lego display. Plenty of space and nothing will block each other. Plus it comes with 4 #USB powers we will utilize for (more) lego display lights and planned #ESPHome sensors on the stairs to the home office. Just need to pick and time and date as doing this will take that entire switch down, and create a network split between two and one control plane #kubernetes nodes.
2024-05-20 11:34:23

Had fun this weekend working on a performance focussed proof of concept using Bunny in the #PHP #queue interop contracts. The first metrics are in using the #RabbitMQ cluster on my #Raspberrypi #Kubernetes home cluster. (Which isn't meant for high performance. Still pleased by these numbers.)