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2024-05-20 14:59:49

Hey folx, can I ask a favour? For a while now I've been volunteering, and more recently working, for @… and since 2013 they have done soo much incredible work for and with the #LGBTQ community, including E.D.E.N. Digital, and Transforming Cinema - film festival championing …
2024-06-09 01:56:27

Affordable housing complex for #LGBTQ seniors to open in Pittsburgh - LGBTQ Nation
2024-05-15 00:32:53

LGBTQ Ph.D. graduates will soon be counted in key U.S. survey
All it took was years of lobbying and formal complaints to NSF’s Office of Scientific Integrity and the House of Representatives to force the NCSES to follow its own data
#LGBTQ #science
2024-05-09 09:16:59

Not sure I put them on as elegantly as possible but I do love my new rainbow laces :)
(If you’re in Ireland you can get your own pair at SuperValu. All proceeds go to Belong To – LGBTQ Youth Ireland.)
🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
#lgbtq #ally

Photo of black Vans shoes with rainbow laces. Person is wearing jeans and the floor is light wood laminate.
2024-06-16 12:25:49

I have been involved with @… for some years, and fortunately they've been delivering some #CovidSafe activities, for free, for members of the #LGBTQ community in England - but they r…
2024-06-16 12:08:41

"Why are #autistic people so gay?"
Current research indicates that autistic people have higher rates of #LGBTQ identities and feelings than the general population.
2024-05-17 13:54:58

Hey all, I figured I'd #AskFedi for some opinions on this one. An #LGBTQ media nonprofit I'm doing some work for are finally joining Mastodon! They just need to pick a server, and have so far mentioned,,, and (which doesn't seem to exist any more?) - but I w…
2024-04-14 00:23:37

Folks who use they/them pronouns are less likely to get jobs – especially in red areas - #LGBTQ Nation…
2024-04-03 08:43:34

Ho much do you earn as an #LGBTQ propagandist?
I looked at Glassdoor but couldn't find anything.
2024-06-05 10:11:20

I’m dismayed but not really surprised that there are a lot of self-righteous and homophobic comments on pride-related posts on this other social network that’s very popular in my country. 😒
#LGBTQ #PrideMonth #Pride2024
2024-06-08 20:03:55

This new dating app will use facial recognition technology to exclude #trans women - #LGBTQ Nation
2024-03-28 12:46:56

PRRI study:
"One-quarter (26%) of Americans now identify as religiously #unaffiliated, a number that has risen over the last decade...
Nearly half (47%) of respondents who left [their faith tradition] cited negative teaching about the treatment of #LGBTQ people."
2024-06-08 20:03:55

This new dating app will use facial recognition technology to exclude #trans women - #LGBTQ Nation
2024-03-30 04:48:39

#BestBuy is caving to threats by #christofascist #Republican investors, and will stop contributing to #LGBTQ

Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
In an email exchange with a conservative think tank, tucked into an SEC filing, the electronics retailer offered to screen its employee groups’ donations to LGBTQ causes
2024-04-29 17:21:46

Typical American #prudishness? No, the efforts to ban nudism are part of the #GOP s panic campaign against #LGBTQ and sexual self-determination, under the pretext of protecting children from sexual assaults by…
2024-05-17 16:45:31

IDAHo, IDAHoT, IDAHoBiT - the name
Relatedly, a follow-up blog post from the following year, about name controversy!
"Actions like those, beyond the name, show whether the territory is primarily “bi erasure with a plausible-sounding excuse”… or whether it really is just about a clunky name."
#BiErasure #IDAHo #IDAHoT #IDAHoBiT #LGBT #LGBTQ #bisexual
2024-03-28 12:46:56

PRRI study:
"One-quarter (26%) of Americans now identify as religiously #unaffiliated, a number that has risen over the last decade...
Nearly half (47%) of respondents who left [their faith tradition] cited negative teaching about the treatment of #LGBTQ people."
2024-03-30 04:48:39

#BestBuy is caving to threats by #christofascist #Republican investors, and will stop contributing to #LGBTQ

Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
In an email exchange with a conservative think tank, tucked into an SEC filing, the electronics retailer offered to screen its employee groups’ donations to LGBTQ causes
2024-06-06 19:44:48

The current UK government remains evil until its last day: They deliberately used the day before parliament was dissolved for making puberty blockers for new treatment of trans kids illegal. No MPs means no parliamentarian way to challenge this decision.
The Good Law Project is crowdfunding to challenge this in court, please give here if you can: #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #trans
2024-04-09 07:19:01

5/ Übrigens, wisst Ihr warum der Nazi-Paragraph 175, der Homosexualität unter Strafe gestellt hat, in der BRD abgeschafft wurde und wann?
Das war 1994! Und der Grund war eine Rechtsangleichung. In der #DDR war der nämlich 1968/1988 abgeschafft worden. Also liebe Schwule und Lesben in Ost und West: Sagt mal nett danke zur DDR-Staatsführung. Ohne die hättet Ihr noch ein bisschen länger kämpfen müssen.
Die Bilanz der DDR ist also gar nicht so schlecht:
1) #Ampelmännchen
2) der grüne Pfeil für Rechtsabbieger
3) der #Paragraph175
Herzliche Grüße und liebt Eure Nächsten oder wen immer Ihr wollt!
#Homosexualität #LGBTQ #queer
2024-05-17 16:38:10

Was just reminded it's 17 May, which some people celebrate as International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia.
I'm not a fan of the name - partly because some people with actual phobias have advocated not using "-phobia" as a shorthand for prejudice, partly just because I think it's clunky :-)
But hey, it's a good day to re-up my little 2015 speech about bi erasure!
(7 min video)
#BiErasure #IDAHo #IDAHoT #IDAHoBiT #LGBT #LGBTQ #bisexual
2024-06-03 07:50:56
Content warning: #ukpolitics #trans #lgbt

As the Conservative Party launches their plan to rollback all of the rights that #trans people have been given in the last couple of decades, don’t for a moment think you won’t be next. If they get away with this, they will absolutely look to cancel your same-sex marriage next.
2024-05-07 21:18:24

I'm glad John Dougall and the Utah State Auditor's Office were publicly embarrassed about the anti-trans snitch page.
I hope he takes his anger over the embarrassment out on the Utah State Legislature and pressures them to repeal this and their other hateful, anti-trans laws.
#utpol #utGOP #utLEG #UTAuditor #trans #LGBTQ
2024-05-04 16:02:46

Beautiful coming-out story from Michael Donkor in the Guardian, from a couple of months ago. A tear came to my eye!
2024-04-10 07:09:31

7/ Guten Morgen! Habt Ihr gut geschlafen? Ich habe in der Zeit mal ein bisschen was zu #Kuba gelesen. Anne Rabe hatte ja aus einem Film über das schlimme Schicksal eines homosexuellen Schriftstellers in Kuba geschlossen, dass der #Sozialismus und die DDR schlecht waren. Zu #Homosexualität in der #DDR hatte ich ja schon was im Blog-Post geschrieben. Jetzt habe ich einen Kuba-Teil hinzugefügt.
Kuba hat seit 2022 eins der liberalsten Familiengesetze weltweit. Transoperationen werden von der Krankenkasse übernommen. Gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen sind erlaubt usw. usf. Und jetzt ratet mal, wer die treibende Karft war und ist! Und zwar seit 1980. Kommt Ihr nie drauf. Es ist die Nichte von Fidel Castro, nämlich Mariela Castro. Und ratet mal, wie das Familiengesetz beschlossen wurde. Mit einem Referendum. Mit großer Mehrheit. Hm. Sehr interessant. Kuba hat zwar ein Einparteiensystem mit Kommunistischer Partei, aber es gibt Volksentscheide. Irre! Und ratet mal, wer sich für diese Öffnung einsetzt: Mariela Castro.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen. Und vielleicht kann ja @… seiner Genossin Anne Rabe irgendwann auch noch mal erklären, dass die #SPD den Sozialismus aufbauen will. Also steht zumindest im Programm. Vielleicht hat Anne Rabe das aber auch nicht gelesen, bevor sie eingetreten ist. Sie ist ja nicht so sorgfältig beim Recherchieren.
2024-04-10 17:25:49

8/ Einen hab ich noch. Ratet mal, wann #Homosexualität in der #Sowjetunion straffrei wurde! OK, ich verrats: Das war zwischen 1917 und 1934.
Und wisst Ihr, was hier 1934 war? Der Röhm-Putsch. Röhm hat die SA aufgebaut und wesentlich zur Machtergreifung der #Nazis beigetragen. Er war aber auch offen schwul und hat sich gegen die Ermordung Homosexueller gestellt. Nachdem er selbst ermordet worden war, gingen die Nazis systematische gegen Homosexuelle vor.
Ist jetzt auch in meinem Blog-Post zu #AnneRabes Behauptungen zu Waschmaschinen und Homosexualität im Osten.
#queer #LGBTQ #LGBTQIAS #schwul #lesbisch #VVN #VdN