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2024-06-06 10:03:01

In lecture 05 of our #ise2024 lecture series, we are introducing the concept of distributed semantics and are referring (amongst others) to Ludwig Wittgenstein and his approach to the philosophy of language, and combine it with the idea of word vectors and embeddings.
lecture slides:

Wittgenstein, as imagined by Midjourney, saying "The meaning of a word is its use in the language". Lecture Information Service Engineering 2024, KIT Karlsruhe
2024-06-06 15:43:00

PwC und Aleph Alpha gründen Joint Venture für KI-Lösungen in Rechtsberatung
Mit KI-Lösungen wollen PwC und Aleph Alpha komplizierte EU-Vorgaben wie den DORA leichter umsetzbar machen. Ziel ist der Rechtsberatungs- und Compliance-Markt.
2024-06-06 09:44:36

After our Wednesday #ise2024 lecture, we (the teaching team) are usually going to Espresso Stazione for a coffee lecture aftermath ;-)
#knowledgegraphs #lecture

Perfect Cappuccino and Corneto at Espresso Stazione in Karlsruhe.
2024-06-06 07:12:27

Handwerkszeug. #techdoc #lektorat
2024-06-06 10:09:17

I own a #Boox tablet, which I use as an e-reader and a note taking thingy.
I recently splashed out on a fancy-pants Staedtler "digital pencil" to write notes with on the tablet. Both because it's lighter and thinner than the default Boox stylus, and it looks great. See first picture.
I also of course own normal pencils, such as the Staples clone of Staedtler as seen in the second picture.
For reasons completely unrelated to any of the above (😬) I now know how to remove pencil marks from an e-ink screen. 😐☺️
2024-06-07 15:41:59

Wat doet de EU om de energievoorziening in Oekraïne te ondersteunen?
@… Bram Claeys is energie-expert bij RAP, een NGO die zich bezighoudt met energiemarkten. Hij geeft meer uitleg.
2024-06-07 14:38:28

I'm retooting because it's a picture from my *very not-Greek* library. #LastRT
2024-06-06 10:09:17

I own a #Boox tablet, which I use as an e-reader and a note taking thingy.
I recently splashed out on a fancy-pants Staedtler "digital pencil" to write notes with on the tablet. Both because it's lighter and thinner than the default Boox stylus, and it looks great. See first picture.
I also of course own normal pencils, such as the Staples clone of Staedtler as seen in the second picture.
For reasons completely unrelated to any of the above (😬) I now know how to remove pencil marks from an e-ink screen. 😐☺️
2024-06-06 17:54:00

Starliner dockt an ISS – im 2. Anlauf
Im 2. Anlauf hat es geklappt. Der Boeing Starliner erreicht die internationale Raumstation ISS.​
2024-06-06 10:10:28

So far I haven't tried to use a pencil sharpener on the Staedtler stylus-pencil, but it's surely only a matter of time 😨