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2024-06-12 19:15:20

So I've blocked that maven fedi scraper thing now on my instance but I don't know whether to be pleased or slightly disappointed that apparently they hadn't interacted with it at all anyway.
2024-06-12 22:39:37

#MAVEN #MastoAdmin #fediblock
Just saw so that is and added to the blocklist then. It turns out I'd rather be able to use Mastodon and the fediverse without having everything on my profile scraped and "categorised" by some AI technology.
As for the private messages being somehow scraped, that presents a trust issue of an entirely different kind - how do you know they will only stay on the instances with the users the messages were sent between?
2024-06-12 22:33:16

Same with this "Maven" thing today.
They want to make some kinda AI-edited personal-magazine. A narrow-focus news show, personalized for you by terra-flops of statistical correlations.
People do seem to like algorithmic feeds. Nobody can read everything, so some kinda summary or selector is inevitable.
But to do it, you gotta read everything.
That mega-mind is gonna be babbling to bosses and dates about every public word on the web whatever your privacy settings say.
These folks have "deleted" the data for now at least.
But that T&C's switcheroo is even easier if we never signed any T&Cs and they have implied consent because google made the precedent back in the 90s when they indexed the whole web.
#maven #consent #ai