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2024-06-17 17:34:17

UKPol Reform "contract"
They don't have a manifesto, because they are a private company owned by shareholders (majority Farage), not a political party.
They wanna stop migration, exit international conventions on refugees and human rights and privatize the NHS.
That last one isn't very populist you wouldn't
No more detail from me on this "contract", can't bare to look at the odious fucker.
#ukpol #reform #Manifesto
2024-06-10 17:40:44

UKPol Lib Dem Manifesto
If someone gave me loads and loads of money to run an election campaign I'm not sure I'd have any better ideas than Ed Davey seems to have had.
Not gonna win, might as well just go to theme-parks and water-sporting and play tennis.
Quite like it. Makes him seem more care-free and normal than standing in a factory or wherever.
The actual manifesto isn't terrible.
They wanna deal with asylum not by shipping people abroad, but in the sensible way of just funding the processing of asylum seekers.
On climate: Citizens assemblies like Just Stop Oil are asking for, ten years to insulate the housing stock, investment in renewables.
Unlike the big two, they actually say they wanna make the NHS more national and less private. NHS dentistry again.
Build 400,000 houses a year, more busses, more electric trains, maintenance grants for students.
And of course Proportional Representation.
But on the other hand, last time they had a sniff of power they became conservative bootlickers, fucked the students, privatized chunks of the NHS, and helped push forward the Brexit referendum.
Suppose they're mostly different people to that now? But how much can you trust 'em?
If the Greens didn't exist I'd likely end up on Lib-Dem.
#ukpol #libDem #Manifesto #election
2024-06-11 11:31:17

UKPol conservative manifesto
Defense! They want you to feel threatened everyone! Only the Conservatives can protect you:
* From the country's "enemies" like China (who make most of our stuff).
* From "Immigrants" (who provide half of our services as the population-bulge retires).
* From Eco-zelotory and the expense of maintaining the planet (by building lots of dirty carbon-burning electricity stations to burn so much oil we'll have enough to sell to our neighbours, even though it's not really economical to export energy more than a few hundred miles and a decentralized green electricity network is cheaper and cleaner)
* From tax: Tax Cuts by cutting back on welfare other than pensions. Halving national insurance contributions, especially for self-employed. (Even though welfare is already cut to the bone, the working-poor are so poor they don't pay tax)
* From education and kids: Fewer university degrees, more training apprenticeships. Forced labour for national service. (Even though forced national service weakens an army)
* From homes: Build 300,000 houses a year (10% fewer than the Libs promise, but by abolishing building safety laws!).
No more stamp-duty. Help-to-buy schemes. (even though these things subsidize house-buying thus driving up house prices. They are good for landlords I guess?)
* From children: Free Childcare (so you can get to work on poverty wages instead of looking after your kids)
* More teachers! More cops! (Especially more cops)
* Sex means sex.
He says we need certainty, rather than the uncertainty Starmer would give us, but he doesn't seem all that confident of it.
#ukpol #election #conservative #manifesto
2024-06-13 10:57:04

#ukpol #labour #manifesto #election
Labour has changed, so they no longer want change, they want stability.
Stability will be achieved by:
* Tough spending rules to avoid inflation.
* No tax rises on working people
* Cutting NHS waiting times
* Border security cops
* New National Energy Company
* Half a new teacher for each school.
Starmer says "Stability" really a lot.
He wants to create economic growth, as number 1 priority. How?
* Reform employment law, more employment rights and higher wages
* Reform investment systems, national wealth fund to invest in steel and jobs.
* Reform planning rules, so we can build more.
* Being Pro Business
* Tax oil & gas to pay for new British Energy company.
* Chase tax-avoiders to pay doctors & nurses
What we have here is basically a promise to be like the Conservatives only less chaotic and broken and a bit more caring.
No radical ambition, no blue-sky suggestions, no desire to reform the country other than replacing the people at the top with less corrupt people.
Primarily, they want growth by fiddling with regulations to encourage the private sector.
They will not do extra taxes on people, they will not do big spending, they want stability not change. They've already changed.
Which is exactly what the last 3 prime tory prime ministers said they wanted too.
It isn't that a national wealth fund investing in a national energy company is a bad idea, it's just that it's unambitious and on such a tiny scale it can't really affect anything.
#ukpol #labour #manifesto #election
2024-06-12 17:30:40

#UKPol #Green #manifesto #election
Couldn't watch the launch, stupid jobs.
The gist seem to be tax the rich to invest in the country.
Hurray. Finally.
* Wealth taxes
The rich will finally have to sell some assets to pay their taxes. Anyone with ore than 10 million quid.
Wealth taxes are hard to implement, but you will never fix inequality with just an income tax and you can't fix asset-price inflation and so house-prices without fixing inequality.
They wanna raise a full 50 billion a year extra and then spend it on investment:
* Insulate homes
Insulate Britain would get their way! Hurray! Cheaper energy bills for everyone.
* Build homes.
Everyone's promising this. The green-party number is similar to the Conservatives number but the Greens will do it without lowering building standards to make it cheaper. They'll probably build good insulated ones one assumes.
* CEO/lowest-wage ratio set to 10:1
Currently CEOs earn about 200 times the average wage of their workers. They are worth, they think, ten classrooms full of other workers.
Maybe it'll encourage the CEO to actually give pay-rises?
* Scrap tuition fees & Ofsted
Education should be free.
* Personal Social Care free like the NHS.
No more Granny selling her house to be put into a home I guess?
* 15 quid minimum wage
Pay the workers what it costs to live damnit.
* More Rights to Roam
We will walk these green and pleasant lands even if the farmers don't like it.
* Stop All new Fossil Fuels
This is in fact needed, because "net zero" is bullshit, but not for the reasons Farage or Galloway say, but because carbon-capture is basically impossible. The "net" part is bullshit, it's gotta be actually zero
* Phase out nuclear energy
As is traditional, all parties must have at least one terrible policy which would lead to terrible results. The Green one is phasing out the only non-carbon energy source which is reliable and works all night and day every day.
* Wind power to 70% of all power.
Good, but the wind don't always blow, where are the nukes to back it up eh?
* Decriminalize possession of all drugs.
The drug war was always a counter-productive fraud, it's expensive, ineffective, encourages a police state, and doesn't even really stop anyone taking things. It's stupid, axe it.
Ought to make supply legal and licensed really too but they ain't promising that.
* Support Ukraine and Palestine against the aggressive countries attacking them.
War is bad.
* "No use first" on nukes.
Oh, surprising, they aren't promising to scrap trident.
* Brexit - Rejoin "when the conditions are right"
Well, not making as big a thing of it as the Libs, but it's there.
The Greens are clearly the sanest of the parties with the most progressive policies that would actually help people and help prevent climate change.
So of course the media tell everyone that they're crazy and the political system fixes it so they can't possibly win.
#UKPol #Green #manifesto #election