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2024-04-27 17:21:15

Wow! A Twitch streamer was about to be the highest level player in Maplestory, a MASSIVE feat, considering how long the game has been out.
Maplestory caught wind and proceeded to tweet about it and host his stream on their Twitch channel.
After that, he had about 20-30k viewers wanting to watch Maplestory history being made.
When he was .007% away from hitting level 300, he started ranting about a specific microtransaction item that can't be traded (because it makes maplestory more money) and said that if it wasn't fixed, he'd never login to the game again, then proceeded to shut off the stream. :kek: :kek: :kek:
I've never played Maplestory, but this has earned MASSIVE respect in my eyes. That's just next level trolling and SO good!
#Gaming #Games #VideoGames #PCGaming #Maplestory #Twitch #Stream #Streaming #Streamer