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2024-03-23 11:09:51

I can’t even imagine what this means and what it takes to get there. I’m in awe and that I don’t have words to describe my respect and amazement
2024-04-22 21:57:18

Follow-up: Liberal MP referred to police for alleged abuse
Taylor Martin has been reported to the police for alleged verbal abuse of a former MP
2024-03-23 07:17:49

I banished `git checkout` from my day-to-day toolset as soon as I learned about the much clearer `git switch` and `git restore`. Haven’t really had the need for `git bisect` yet but can totally see myself doing so. Not sure I’ll ever use `git worktree` or `git sparse-checkout`. Missing from the article: `git submodule`. Submodules are great, I use them all the time.
2024-05-24 16:20:13

Ukrainian teenager's inspiring run at Boston Marathon raises $15,000:
2024-04-24 07:15:20

Convergence of martingales via enriched dagger categories
Paolo Perrone, Ruben Van Belle arx…
2024-04-23 15:18:34

I’m having fun making #YouTube #Thumbnails with my digital muse @… for the @…

Landing Your Dream Job with Maarten looking at stars
Maarten with horns holding a contract with the devil in hell
2024-05-24 15:00:00

"States have legal duty to cut greenhouse emissions, says top maritime court"
#Emissions #GreenhouseGasses
2024-05-24 17:54:24

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Meridian Glories
#NowPlaying #Flamingods
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2024-03-23 17:38:57

Mary Timony – Untame the Tiger
2024-03-24 10:55:03

Wer Musk hofiert, hofiert Rechtsradikale: Elon Musk gibt auf X/Twitter Rechtsradikalen aller Art eine Plattform – zuletzt Martin Sellner und der Identitären Bewegung. Musk taugt deswegen nicht mehr für Selfies und als Posterboy für Politiker:innen, die ihre wirtschaftliche Tatkraft zeigen wollen. Ein Kommentar von @…