
Opt-in global Mastodon full text search. Join the index!
2024-05-26 16:14:37

I guess I'll have a look into the #Mastodon API. I wonder if I want to auto-mute all accounts in my timeline with >1000 posts and <10 followers 🤔
Or has someone done that already?
2024-05-25 15:19:19

Sprzedany i to przez #Mastodon @…! Siła Mastodona! 💪
2024-04-24 07:32:14

That was a first, today I met someone who said: “I know you from #Mastodon
👋 @…
I think transition from Twitter is now complete
2024-04-24 23:33:24

Something the web interface in #Mastodon doesn't have but should is information about who posted something with a filtered expression in it.
I sometimes click on them just because I'm curious about who posted it, which kind of defeats the purpose of filtering in the first place.
2024-04-25 01:42:04

New on m.s and coming in #mastodon 4.3
You can now filter notifications from people that you don't follow, people not following you, new accounts or unsolicited private messages.
Pretty good change.
2024-05-22 16:35:22

#socialmedia #mastodon #twitter
2024-05-26 04:18:38

What would it take for #Mastodon to become that political organizing app instead of Twitter or Threads? Isn’t it a much more logical place?
Anybody trying to make it so? Any reasons that speak against?
2024-05-21 07:35:48

Noterar att X blivit förvillande likt Bluesky på desktop.
Samtidigt har Jack Dorsey hoppat av Blueskys styrelse och – att döma av rapporter i branschmedia – börjat närma sig Musk igen.
Stabilt det där med miljardärer som garanter för socialamedie-plattformar. Eller hur?
#choose #mastodon
2024-05-23 19:03:15

Gotta love when someone uses the mastodon or Fediverse hashtags to show their ass, dogs, cats, flowers, etc or even say they haven't seen spam. All adding to the actual spam on those hashtags, making them unusable.
Don't you LOVE that, Fedi?
#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon
2024-04-26 09:20:15

When #RSS and #SocialMedia meet I think there is a lack of interoperability.
When I boost a post there should be an easy way for someone who subscribes to the RSS feed of my #Mastodon ac…
2024-05-20 20:12:01

Having to recycle your #kubernetes nodes because the #HPA isn't scaling up your #Mastodon #sidekiq
2024-05-21 16:58:05

This is what happens whenever I open the tab on my browser where #mastodon is. Why? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
#mastoquestions #gpu

GPU use graphs, showing massive plateaus when the mastodon tab is active.
2024-05-14 16:10:03

My 8th feature request for #Mastodon UI:
Show/explain why a message is shown in web UI
With more and more custom…
2024-05-26 04:18:38

What would it take for #Mastodon to become that political organizing app instead of Twitter or Threads? Isn’t it a much more logical place?
Anybody trying to make it so? Any reasons that speak against?
2024-04-24 06:47:30

Wenn #Krah auf #Mastodon trendet, heißt das nichts Gutes ...
2024-05-24 21:38:26

Do we have #sockpuppets on #Mastodon? Because sometimes I think I smell the smell of something that smells smelly, like...socks
Sockpuppets? In MY /r/Scotland? It's more likely than you think. : r/Scotland
2024-05-26 15:28:10

Wenn das milliardste #emoji hinzugefügt wird, raucht #mastodon ab.
2024-05-23 19:05:25

PS. What would REALLY help this is a feature similar to Misskey's antennas. It allows you to add AND exclude hashtags/words from a list. So I could start excluding hashtags that people use to abuse these other tags...
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon
2024-06-18 16:49:24

Are there any videos, images available that explain Mastodon easily?
I just see some ppl being interested but I can't throw just plain text to them - and I don't think it scales if I do it all individually.
#mastodon #fediverse
2024-05-02 06:49:44

Mastodon und das Finanzamt, "die Jugend" und die AfD, der Datenverkehr im Netz, das zu Hühnerbatterien verkommen ist gemixt mit Windkraft und Karl Lauterbach, Themen meiner #Wochenschau.
#Mastodon #Finanzamt

Diesmal ein etwas wildere mit erstellte Grafik nach dem Prompt A surreal and thought-provoking collage in the style of Salvador Dali, combining various elements to create an intriguing visual narrative. The wind turbine stands tall in the background, spinning with a sense of endless energy. The Mastodon network, an open-source social networking platform, is depicted as a flock of digital birds taking flight. The Internet is illustrated as a vast, interconnected web of colorful lines…
2024-05-01 10:39:49

May I just say that not being able to set your own fucking character limit on your own fucking Mastodon instance without having to fucking fork fucking Mastodon is a fucking pain in the fucking arse.
Thank you for listening and here’s wishing you a lovely day.
2024-04-27 16:38:11

#Mastodon hat in Deutschland den Gemeinnützigkeitsstatus vom Finanzamt aberkannt bekommen und hat dann einfach prompt ne 501(c)(3) in den USA gegründet. Das #Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht in Deutschland lässt soviel zu wünschen übrig, dass es nicht mal in den wenigen Fällen funktioniert, in…
2024-06-11 18:19:30

P G Wodehouse: “When Aunt is calling Aunt like mastodons bellowing across primeval swamps.” #pgwodehouse #mastodon #mastodonmigration
2024-06-18 09:52:49

Whenever I can I try to use #mastodon's build in #OCR. On text it works great on photo's of other things I gets funky, and I just enjoy that:
2024-04-28 19:21:45

"EU macht #Fediverse dicht, weil niemand die Server betreiben will EU-Institutionen sind auf #Mastodon und #Peertube aktiv, dank eines Pilotprojekts des Europäischen
2024-05-21 16:40:40

Why is #Mastodon heavily impacting my GPU's video decoding thingy without any videos playing?
2024-05-26 18:05:06

Fedi be like...👇
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #ActivityPub
2024-05-01 16:28:02

Mijn mail app (FairEmail) heeft standaard ingebakken dat emails gelijk of later (bv 1 min) verstuurd worden.
Daar heb ik die vertraagde optie eigenlijk nooit nodig.
Maar hier op Mastodon heb ik regelmatig #Oepsie... 🙈
2024-06-18 20:12:43

#Fediverse and #Mastodon: Social Media, but in a Good Way: #Sustainable, Healthy, Collaborative, ...
2024-06-06 23:00:23

It’s the month of #Pride!
Here’s some custom emojis to celebrate!
:ablobpride2: :BlobhajTransPrideHeart: :LGBTQ_Gay_pride_flag: :pride_heart: :prideverified:
2024-05-18 19:59:36

Dzięki wszystkim za wsparcie w tym temacie! Jak zawsze można liczyć na #Mastodon 😉 Jutro pewnie zrobimy przenosiny 😉
2024-05-22 16:19:08

Also die Antwort ist „Ja, man kann auf #Mastodon ganze Threads muten“, aber anscheinend nicht selektiv nur einzelne Teile. Klickt man auf die Optionen eines *eigenen* Posts in einem Thread, so findet man dort im Web-Client und in @… (aber nicht in
2024-05-22 15:57:37

Do you want to know what I've just discovered? Instead of preselecting photos in Thunar, then clicking "attach" in two browser windows, finding the same images again in chooser dialog, I can just drag-and-drop them from Thunar into the browser.
Why would I think such a thing possible on Linux?! Yes, you can laugh now.
2024-05-17 09:16:44

Die @… macht ernst und geht mit einem neuen eigenen #Mastodon Server an den Start:
2024-05-22 15:57:38

Wiecie, co właśnie odkryłem? Zamiast przeglądać wstępnie zdjęcia w Thunarze, a następnie w dwóch okienkach przeglądarki po kolei klikać "dodaj zdjęcia…" i odszukiwać powtórnie te same pliki w dialogu, mogę po prostu przeciągnąć go z Thunara w okno przeglądarki!
Kto by pomyślał, że takie rzeczy na Linuksie?! Tak, możecie już się śmiać.
2024-06-16 16:55:08

If #mastodon has plugin support think of all the #patreon integration you could build.
2024-04-30 11:32:06

Friendly reminder 👼
#Mastodon #FediVerse #OpenSource

A screenshot of a paragraph in this article:

The highlighted section reads: "Most people don't realize the core developer team of Mastodon is still just two people".
2024-05-02 06:49:44

Mastodon und das Finanzamt, "die Jugend" und die AfD, der Datenverkehr im Netz, das zu Hühnerbatterien verkommen ist gemixt mit Windkraft und Karl Lauterbach, Themen meiner #Wochenschau.
#Mastodon #Finanzamt

Diesmal ein etwas wildere mit erstellte Grafik nach dem Prompt A surreal and thought-provoking collage in the style of Salvador Dali, combining various elements to create an intriguing visual narrative. The wind turbine stands tall in the background, spinning with a sense of endless energy. The Mastodon network, an open-source social networking platform, is depicted as a flock of digital birds taking flight. The Internet is illustrated as a vast, interconnected web of colorful lines…
2024-06-15 22:15:06

Seit 10 Monaten sinkt die Anzahl der monatlich aktiven #Mastodon-Nutzer. Ich war hoffnungsfroh, dass wir es schaffen, das erste unkommerzielle Social Network zu etablieren. Stattdessen scheint es nun wieder in der Bedeutungslosigkeit zu versinken.

Ein Diagramm zeigt die monatlich aktiven Nutzer auf Mastodon. Das Diagramm beginnt im Juli 2022 mit weniger als 500.000 Nutzern. Es folgt ein rapider Anstieg auf über 2,5 Millionen im Dezember 2022. Danach sanken die Zahlen wieder auf etwa 1,2 Millionen im Frühling 2023. Dann gab es einen erneuten Anstieg auf über 2 Millionen im August 2023. Seitdem sinken die Zahlen kontinuierlich und sind aktuell bei unter 1 Million. Die Zahlen stammen von…
2024-05-08 02:36:20

Again, for the naysayers
My Twitter feed, politically, is nearly active and on the correct side of history as my feed here on Mastodon
threads is the only one that's mostly on some bs
(again, i think this is because good people still in twitter have more power than we think)
2024-06-03 12:20:06

Ich hab da mal was zur #Brücke zwischen #Bluesky und #Mastodon geschrieben. Was sollte man da einmal im Blick behalten?
2024-05-30 15:39:51

#mastodonadmin note on v4.2.9
2024-05-01 16:28:02

Mijn mail app (FairEmail) heeft standaard ingebakken dat emails gelijk of later (bv 1 min) verstuurd worden.
Daar heb ik die vertraagde optie eigenlijk nooit nodig.
Maar hier op Mastodon heb ik regelmatig #Oepsie... 🙈
2024-04-25 00:46:11

I really enjoy the fediverse. I have more meaningful interactions with like minded communities which makes it fun to post and comment. I also enjoy not having advertisement in my face on my feeds. #awesome #mastodon
2024-05-19 12:25:22

#mastodon mobile web client looks shiny and new. Has there been an update?
2024-04-26 01:06:41

Is it just me, or are there more users that aren't logging in regularly than there are registering?
Like we have an abandonment issue or an absolutely MASSIVE false activity reporting issue....😬
Doesn't feel so "alive" here these days.
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialMedia
2024-06-18 17:30:48

Vengo a confesar que estoy de regreso en #X. Pero en forma de bot o, mšs bien, como un cyborg de las redes sociales, que replica mis posts de #Mastodon en X con un link a la publicación original.
Si funciona, este serš el primer toot replicado.
2024-06-05 19:46:21

It will be interesting to see if Mastodon Moderators decide to block addresses coming from Blue sky.
#Mastodon #BlueSky
2024-06-04 04:53:23

Nun kann man sich auch von #Bluesky mit #mastodon auf einfache Weise verbinden - und natürlich auch vice versa
2024-06-16 01:18:40

Does the #Mastodon or #activitypub API have the (beginnings of) the ability to integrate with these platforms so people can share game content onto the #fediverse ?
Seems …
2024-05-22 22:39:04

I'd like to use a workflow where each #Mastodon message that gets bookmarked by me is automatically screenshotted to PNG, archived in a local directory and its text content image descriptions get added to a text file (preferably #orgdown) together with a link to the screenshot and the original messag…
2024-06-16 16:55:08

If #mastodon has plugin support think of all the #patreon integration you could build.
2024-04-27 17:56:16

Worrying: #MastodonGGmbH had its non-profit status revoked in Germany.
2024-05-20 13:17:29

Kann man mit #Mastodon eigentlich einen Unterthread ausblenden muten? Also bspw wenn ein Diskussionsstrang entgleist ist, aber man die Beteiligten nicht gleich muten will, aber sie das @ vom Originalpost immer mitschleppen bei ihrer 2-Personendiskussion ?
2024-05-12 07:57:46

Timeline synchonicity
#Mastodon #circles
2024-06-13 17:46:35

Web #mastodon is, again, doing it bs of wasting tons of gpu and cpu alledgedly decoding videos that aren't there.
2024-05-22 22:39:04

I'd like to use a workflow where each #Mastodon message that gets bookmarked by me is automatically screenshotted to PNG, archived in a local directory and its text content image descriptions get added to a text file (preferably #orgdown) together with a link to the screenshot and the original messag…
2024-06-12 17:47:44

J'ai mis l'association les Chardons Bleus sur le #fedivers #mastodon
2024-04-28 03:24:04

My initial thoughts on Biz Stone becoming part of Mastodon US' Board of Directors:
It's fine. As long as #Mastodon remains to be FOSS, then there won't be any worries.
I have already heard people crying out for hard forks of Mastodon right now!
Settle down.
2024-04-28 06:02:16

I'm calling it
Threads is the actually evil thing you imagine Twitter is
Twitter's actually still doing okay
#mastodon #fediverse #socialmedia
2024-06-02 20:01:46

Schöner Run um die Altstadt
2024-04-26 00:51:34

Yikes....I Issued a Fediblock recommendation for obvious spam activity from a single user instance that follows 48k accounts after joining 3 days ago.
Only a very small number of instances have actually blocked the account so you might wanna do it yourself as a user-level block.
Fedi moderation is slipping...😬😳
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #Spam #Block #Bot
2024-05-19 02:26:53

Important #Peertube poll, please boost!
#Mastodon #Fediverse
2024-05-03 06:23:32

Quick power maintenance on #MastodonSG.
Swapping the UPS.
2024-05-05 08:07:54

If you are a #Bluesky person but you miss your peeps on the #Fediverse / #Mastodon, bridge your account and follow them directly from Bluesky. Simple instructions here (detail…
2024-06-16 01:18:40

Does the #Mastodon or #activitypub API have the (beginnings of) the ability to integrate with these platforms so people can share game content onto the #fediverse ?
Seems …
2024-06-07 03:35:07

Ok this might break #Mastodon but I’ll try..
the Vermillion lakes, panorama, just the place where I had lunch today 😭🫠 :blobratheart:
#BanffNationalPark #NatureIsBeautiful

Panorama photo of a blue/green lake (bottom), a series of magnificent mountains (middle) and a blue sky with a few white clouds (top). Just magnificent
2024-06-10 13:32:39

Before a longer parental leave, another update regarding visits from some #SocialMedia to @…:
#Mastodon is quite steady and I'm sure,

Graph for Traffic to via different plattforms, Facebook in front, then Flipboard, Twitter, Mastodon and the rest.
2024-06-08 17:55:38

Acabei de descobrir que posso usar a minha conta #friendica com o #tusky. Mas a app trata-a como se estivesse a lidar com mais uma conta #mastodon.
2024-06-16 15:10:59

I kinda wish I didn't have to click the Translate button on Mastodon.
There should be an option to translate everything that's not in the preferred language set in the settings.
That'd be great.
#Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi
2024-05-18 20:17:10

Anybody know what triggers a profile re-fetch in #mastodon ?
After an instance accessed a remote account for the first time, it fetches name, avatar, number of followers etc. When will it fetch it next to potentially update?
2024-06-16 17:45:01

I'm writing a blog article on why somebody should embrace and maybe switch to #Fediverse with #Mastodon in particular.
I've collected many downsides of commercial social networks and Mastodon and many advantages of Mastodon.
If there are some downsides or advantages I might not have t…
2024-05-05 16:07:17

#PeerTube has plugins and #mastodon should too.
2024-05-03 06:33:06

And… We are back!
2024-06-17 15:27:55

If you want to shout into the void, please do us all a favor and go back to Twitter. If nobody ever replied to anything, I'd bet most people wouldn't be here...🤦
RE: #Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon
2024-06-08 14:07:33

Is there a list somewhere of all the ":smileys:" available through this syntax on #Mastodon?
2024-06-15 10:55:53

Fediverse ≠ Signal.
This is Social Media.
If your posts are set to public, you should have exactly 0% sense of privacy here.
There's 20,000 instances with more every single day that could be doing anything they want with your posts.
Furthermore, if you're on Mastodon, your account has an RSS feed attached that someone could be reading, completely without your knowledge.
Fediverse isn't some sort of safe haven for privacy. Not sure where that idea came from, but it's completely false.
#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon
2024-06-05 06:48:46

If you use a "woman-facepalming" or "man-facepalming" #emoji in #Mastodon web interface, and try to delete it via backspace, it will turn into a "person facepalming" (which for some reason is missing on both of my instances).
This is because both these emojis are a ZWJ (Zero Width Joiner) sequences:
🤦‍♀️ is actually 🤦 (U 1F926) ZWJ (U 200D) ♀️ (U 2640 U FE0F).
🤦‍♂️ is actually 🤦 (U 1F926) ZWJ (U 200D) ♂️ (U 2642 U FE0F).
Note that U 2640 is plain ♀ ("Female Sign"), while U 2642 is plain ♂ ("Male Sign"). U FE0F is "Variation Selector-16" which turns a "plain" #Unicode character into "emoji presentation" (though apparently Mastodon implicitly turns the former into the latter after publishing).
You can also combine them with skin tone modifiers. Curious enough, these don't use ZWJ (I guess because they're modifiers by design):
🤦🏿 is 🤦 (U 1F926) 🏿 (U 1F3FF, "Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-6")
2024-05-10 15:20:49

trying to understand why I seem to have lost embed/opengraph integration to different social media platforms and even embed on #mastodon #funkwhale
2024-06-16 06:01:42

Kommunikationsstrategie: Jeder Post muss mit einem Call to action enden — auf #Mastodon.
Was denkt ihr?
2024-06-13 17:17:44

OK Fediverse. Point me to a live-scores bot, not on Threads, for NBA/MLB or other major sport! Aaaannnnd Go!
#fediverse #mastodon #sports
2024-05-31 08:04:20

Updating #MastodonSG now… should only take a few mins.
2024-06-15 18:45:19

So, I've just been told that "Followers only" posts can also be scraped easily as well and that they don't necessarily just go to Followers.
Is this true? Is there any proof of this happening?
That'd be wild...
#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon
2024-05-10 15:20:49

trying to understand why I seem to have lost embed/opengraph integration to different social media platforms and even embed on #mastodon #funkwhale
2024-06-02 12:57:37

If #mastodon had plugins I would totally make one with hundred of animations when you like or boost a post.
2024-05-12 14:49:48

That moment when you have to block a mutual follow because they're spamming hashtags and engagement baiting...🤦‍♂️
If I see you do this and you're in my circle, I'll most definitely block you when I notice. People that browse hashtags don't deserve to be spammed with irrelevant posts.🙄
#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon
2024-05-23 11:06:05

Just so you non-english folks know, if you don't correctly set your post language, I cannot effectively translate your post, making it unreadable and useless to me...just saying....
#Fediverse #Mastodon #MastoTips #FediTips
2024-05-09 00:38:37

The little nuances of Fedi are still sometimes confusing to me, even though I've been here for almost a year, in realtime cause I have insomnia😬.
For example, I have an alt on for browsing certain stuff but when I login, some replies I've made from my main (this account) to others, don't show up on the home timeline. I have to go into the thread to see them...🤔and no, they're not "unlisted".
#Fediverse #Mastodon #Fedi
2024-06-09 22:25:50

Holy crapoli!
I just realized I crossed the 900 followers mark.
That's insane. That's like 300x more people than I have around me IRL!
Thank you to every one of you who decided to interact with me over the past year. I'm coming on my Fediversary at the end of the month and it's been such a wild ride so far.
There's lots of ups and downs, ins and outs, and little nuances about Fedi, but overall, having my own little corner of the internet where nobody can tell me who I can or can't interact with, has been fantastic!
I love you all. May you all be as federated as you wish!
#Mastodon #Fedi #Fediverse
2024-05-31 21:25:21

Woot! Updated to Mastodon v4.2.9!
Not exactly sure if it's immediately beneficial to me, but just in case there's something critical there, I did it as soon as I was able to.
Any Mastodon Admins running the main branch should probably do the same if they haven't yet.
#Mastodon #MastoAdmin #Fediverse
2024-05-31 21:25:21

Woot! Updated to Mastodon v4.2.9!
Not exactly sure if it's immediately beneficial to me, but just in case there's something critical there, I did it as soon as I was able to.
Any Mastodon Admins running the main branch should probably do the same if they haven't yet.
#Mastodon #MastoAdmin #Fediverse
2024-06-06 17:48:35

I feel like I will eventually have most of Fedi blocked because people can't help themselves from abusing hashtags for reach...🤦‍♂️
#Fediverse and #Mastodon tags are becoming more and more useless every day.😩
2024-05-23 00:10:03

I think I'm going to turn on content retention to clear out posts older than 6 months.
Anything older than that is just an inaccurate view of the Fediverse at this point, I think.
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin
2024-05-29 20:50:22

MastoTip of the Day:
Have you made a post that unintentionally got popular, but you don't want to delete it? You can "mute this conversation" by clicking on the "..." next to the post and hitting the "mute this conversation" option.
#MastoTips #MastoTip #Mastodon