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2024-05-08 02:36:20

Again, for the naysayers
My Twitter feed, politically, is nearly active and on the correct side of history as my feed here on Mastodon
threads is the only one that's mostly on some bs
(again, i think this is because good people still in twitter have more power than we think)
2024-05-06 20:45:01

Totally forgot Biz Stone joined the Mastodon board a little over a week before Jack Dorsey left the Bluesky board. Coincidence?
#mastodon #bluesky
2024-03-06 08:54:41

300 verified media organizations in 20 languages on #Mastodon! More than 250 active in the last 30 days.
Check it out:…

Screenshot of the Dashboard, showing 300 accounts in 20 languages, on 102 instances, 91 active today.
2024-03-08 06:02:11

Moved #MastodonSG cron jobs online.
News bot accounts now poll for articles every 2 mins.
2024-04-05 17:45:07

Oja... En even een welkom aan alle nieuwe volgers die eigenlijk al een tijdje langzaam binnenstromen.
Het is niet iets wat ik zo bijhoud. Gelijk terugvolgen doe ik dan ook eigenlijk nooit. Dat gebeurt eigenlijk alleen op basis van interactie.
Veel plezier op #mastodon!
2024-02-08 06:59:00

I kinda hate how much my previous experiences have changed the way I behave.
Sometimes I think of a legit question to a post but can't write it in a way that doesn't seem contradictory to the post, so I just won't reply.
This is because many previous experiences tell me that replying in a way that seems even remotely contradictory, will get me nothing but insults and no actual answer to the question.
Also the fact that I've been blocked many times before (including by Fedi admins) without warning or discussion, leaves me thinking "is this something someone might have blocked me for in the past? And should I post it?" 🤦‍♂️
The amount of people who are hostile to simple replies is too damn high...😩
#Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi
2024-05-01 10:39:49

May I just say that not being able to set your own fucking character limit on your own fucking Mastodon instance without having to fucking fork fucking Mastodon is a fucking pain in the fucking arse.
Thank you for listening and here’s wishing you a lovely day.
2024-05-02 06:49:44

Mastodon und das Finanzamt, "die Jugend" und die AfD, der Datenverkehr im Netz, das zu Hühnerbatterien verkommen ist gemixt mit Windkraft und Karl Lauterbach, Themen meiner #Wochenschau.
#Mastodon #Finanzamt

Diesmal ein etwas wildere mit erstellte Grafik nach dem Prompt A surreal and thought-provoking collage in the style of Salvador Dali, combining various elements to create an intriguing visual narrative. The wind turbine stands tall in the background, spinning with a sense of endless energy. The Mastodon network, an open-source social networking platform, is depicted as a flock of digital birds taking flight. The Internet is illustrated as a vast, interconnected web of colorful lines…
2024-05-05 16:07:17

#PeerTube has plugins and #mastodon should too.
2024-04-04 17:43:33

#Mastodon Pause 🤓
2024-05-06 10:27:07

Wie ein DDoS-Angriff: Mastodons Link-Vorschau überlastet Webserver
Jede #Mastodon-#Instanz ruft die für die Link-#Vorschau nötigen Daten selbst vom zugehörigen
2024-03-08 04:30:42

So why did #Mozilla, when they decided to make a splash in the Fediverse (as opposed to when they undecided and withdrew) not simply "acquire" (as far as one can in the open-source world) #Mastodon? Or at least pay @…
2024-03-05 12:41:39

"Unequal participation: the features that make #Mastodon calmer for some also exacerbate inequalities. Because each server is autonomous, each is vulnerable. Servers for discriminated communities could suffer attacks without other users noticing. Some Black users have reported levels of racist abuse unseen on commercial platforms. While some did move to dedicated servers, these users bear the …
2024-04-03 15:07:14

Threads ist ja ganz nett, aber der originale Mastodon Client ist noch immer der beste. #mastodon #client
2024-04-27 16:38:11

#Mastodon hat in Deutschland den Gemeinnützigkeitsstatus vom Finanzamt aberkannt bekommen und hat dann einfach prompt ne 501(c)(3) in den USA gegründet. Das #Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht in Deutschland lässt soviel zu wünschen übrig, dass es nicht mal in den wenigen Fällen funktioniert, in…
2024-04-28 19:21:45

"EU macht #Fediverse dicht, weil niemand die Server betreiben will EU-Institutionen sind auf #Mastodon und #Peertube aktiv, dank eines Pilotprojekts des Europäischen
2024-05-07 14:31:35

Hey #AppleEvent Tooters. Can you please make sure you select your language settings in #Mastodon etc. correctly when you post something? Otherwise, you are spamming other timelines in a language that many can't read. There is a lot of Japanese coming in here at the moment…
2024-03-07 19:48:29

Zeit für ein Update zu den Zugriffszahlen auf @… über #Mastodon etc.
Zwar sehen wir weiterhin nicht allen #Traffic aus dem

Traffic auf über verschiedene Quellen: Flipboard klar vor X/Twitter, dahinter Mastodon. Bluesky und Threads weit unten.
2024-04-07 15:20:26

It's a screen recording from a Sharkey instance. It would be cool to have this on #Mastodon. You won't see this as part of the web UI on X. Somewhat doubtful if it'd ever be featured on Threads either.

A cool marquee element showing federated servers as a scrolling horizontal list.
2024-05-07 11:06:51

Do others experience their lists being empty all the sudden, too?
#mastodon #askfedi #askmast
2024-02-28 20:20:26

Why did no one tell me there was a v4.2.8 update for Mastodon!? I feel so let down.
(I kid, I kid. Love you all! Except Nazis. Screw you Nazis.)
#selfhost #Mastodon

If only #Mastodon could look a bit more polished like #Bluesky
2024-04-30 11:32:06

Friendly reminder 👼
#Mastodon #FediVerse #OpenSource

A screenshot of a paragraph in this article:

The highlighted section reads: "Most people don't realize the core developer team of Mastodon is still just two people".
2024-05-02 06:49:44

Mastodon und das Finanzamt, "die Jugend" und die AfD, der Datenverkehr im Netz, das zu Hühnerbatterien verkommen ist gemixt mit Windkraft und Karl Lauterbach, Themen meiner #Wochenschau.
#Mastodon #Finanzamt

Diesmal ein etwas wildere mit erstellte Grafik nach dem Prompt A surreal and thought-provoking collage in the style of Salvador Dali, combining various elements to create an intriguing visual narrative. The wind turbine stands tall in the background, spinning with a sense of endless energy. The Mastodon network, an open-source social networking platform, is depicted as a flock of digital birds taking flight. The Internet is illustrated as a vast, interconnected web of colorful lines…
2024-03-01 13:48:18

The latest update to #Pachli is a great improvement and for me improves the notifications. If you are looking for a good #Mastodon app check it out! @…
2024-03-03 00:07:44

So, #MastodonTips/#FediverseTips
Bookmark your own posts
if you write a post, and you think you phrased something particularly well, or you had an epiphany of some sort: Bookmark that sucker
Sometimes, if you are replying to other people in a thread, it can be much harder to find the post later if someone deletes a message in that thread.
Absolutely feel free to bookm…
2024-03-05 12:20:51 coming to a Fedi timeline near you!🤦‍♂️
#Fediverse #Threads #Mastodon
2024-03-07 20:08:29

Another update regarding #traffic sources for the 4th biggest (verified) media account on #Mastodon (😉 social.hei…

Traffic to via Flipboard, Mastodon, X/Twitter, Bluesky and Threads
2024-03-01 22:52:57

I wonder if some people realise that Eugen doesn't have control over every #Mastodon instance.
Like... yeah, it's shit that spambots are signing up to an open instance... but we do what we have been taught: Block/Filter & Report.
2024-05-01 16:28:02

Mijn mail app (FairEmail) heeft standaard ingebakken dat emails gelijk of later (bv 1 min) verstuurd worden.
Daar heb ik die vertraagde optie eigenlijk nooit nodig.
Maar hier op Mastodon heb ik regelmatig #Oepsie... 🙈
2024-02-26 18:37:53

I didn't look into the server's timeline for ages. Recently I started to mute all accounts that were just pure noise (looots of bots) and alas.. I should have started muting and blocking waaays earlier
#fediverse #mastodon
2024-02-23 12:45:46

Genuine question for the Fediverse, would you federate with Bluesky?
#Fediverse #Mastodon #Bluesky
2024-05-06 04:18:53

Es gibt immer mehr Apps für #Mastodon und das #fediverse
Damit geht einher, dass es nun auch hier Geschäftsmodelle und Diversität in den Lösungen gibt
2024-03-25 14:47:11

Inzwischen gibt es so viele Medienseiten auf Mastodon, dass sie mir die Timeline verstopfen und ich private Postings nicht mehr finde.
Die Listen schaffen Abhilfe: kennt ihr schon diesen praktischen #MastodonTip?
2024-02-22 08:13:11

The CEO of Tumblr seems to be like your average big company's CEO: an ass hole. What a surprise.
Dear everyone: please do move to the #fediverse (#mastodon, #pixelfed, etc.) instead of fig…
2024-03-01 19:55:33

Normally I strip the tracking links off of articles when I send them to people, but I leave mastodon trackers on there for now (ie, https://[...]& I figure encouraging news orgs to keep engaging on #mastodon is worth it.
2024-04-02 09:08:14

#mastodon #česko #statistika
„České instance” mají **orientačně**:
* 13,1 tis. uživ.¹ ²
* za únor ~65 ³, březen ~50 ¹ uživ.
* MAU ~1,8 tis.⁴
„Slovenské instance”

Text na tmavém pozadí: „České a slovenské instance” mají **orientačně** 13,5tis. uživatelů
2024-02-28 12:51:35

If you're new to #Mastodon or the #Fediverse then I wrote a little something to help get you started on the platform.

An image of a Mastodon sitting out in space. You can see some planets in various sizes and colors floating around.
2024-04-04 00:30:40

Sneak peek of a graphic I made for a talk I'm giving next week about the #Fediverse - choose your po... I mean UI for today's Fedi-mission 🙂
F.A.B. - Fediverse Adventure Begin...
#Mastodon #Lemmy

Thunderbird 2 elevated in hangar with pods underneath. Instead of the pods being numbered, they say "Pixelfed", "Mastodon", "Lemmy" on their doors. "Mastodon" is the pod currently underneath Thunderbird 2.
2024-05-01 16:28:02

Mijn mail app (FairEmail) heeft standaard ingebakken dat emails gelijk of later (bv 1 min) verstuurd worden.
Daar heb ik die vertraagde optie eigenlijk nooit nodig.
Maar hier op Mastodon heb ik regelmatig #Oepsie... 🙈
2024-02-24 13:25:38

Me: Es wär echt cool, wenn ich auf #Mastodon auch RSS-Feeds folgen könnte. Ob ich mal danach fra...
Fediverse: Hier, @…
2024-02-16 20:55:20

Det är rätt talande för S och arbetarrörelsens dåliga självförtroende och svaga initiativförmåga på medieområdet att Magdalena Andersson ondgör sig över algoritmer, men samtidigt inte ens finns på #Mastodon, som gjort en poäng just av att inte ha någon algoritm.
2024-04-24 07:32:14

That was a first, today I met someone who said: “I know you from #Mastodon
👋 @…
I think transition from Twitter is now complete
2024-02-22 14:55:26

Sur l'application #mastodon, je ne retrouve pas le niveau de publicité des pouèts qui s'appelle maintenant "Public calme" sur le site Web.
C'est fort dommage, d'autant que le choix sur le site Web ne fonctionne pas très bien chez moi.
2024-03-05 17:25:37

#Mastodon and the #Fediverse are also vulnerable to outages. But one problem on one server or platform will not take the entire global network down. You might not be able to talk to some of your friends for awhile, but as long as your server is OK, you'll be ok. That is why breaki…
2024-05-05 08:07:54

If you are a #Bluesky person but you miss your peeps on the #Fediverse / #Mastodon, bridge your account and follow them directly from Bluesky. Simple instructions here (detail…
2024-04-24 23:33:24

Something the web interface in #Mastodon doesn't have but should is information about who posted something with a filtered expression in it.
I sometimes click on them just because I'm curious about who posted it, which kind of defeats the purpose of filtering in the first place.
2024-02-28 20:39:14

#mastodon swag with a 3D-Printer

A bunch of keys with various keychains, including a black mastodon logo and a white one with a recognizable apple shape with a bite mark.
2024-02-24 01:27:37

#mastodonadmin note on v4.2.8
$ npx update-browserslist-db@latest
I ignored the `isImportOrExportDeclaration` warning for now.
2024-04-28 06:02:16

I'm calling it
Threads is the actually evil thing you imagine Twitter is
Twitter's actually still doing okay
#mastodon #fediverse #socialmedia
2024-02-21 14:12:41

Dear instance admins,
Please set your account sign-ups to manual review. Your instance doesn’t need to grow at any cost.
Remember: Quality, not quantity.
#fediverse #mastodon #spam
2024-05-03 06:33:06

And… We are back!
2024-04-27 17:56:16

Worrying: #MastodonGGmbH had its non-profit status revoked in Germany.
2024-03-03 10:34:29

Total strangers or "bullied off the network". #Mastodon turns out to be no island of happiness. Everyones network costs a sight of a public space or forum that is disparate and ensemble. The great welcoming of this part of the Fediverse seems to rely on "internal knowledge that’s not really written down anywhere". Practise and text, law?, are informal in terms of open reading. Don&…
2024-02-16 16:46:31

I updated my puppet module to install Mastodon with a script to do regular updates. But it does only the usual steps of an update. #Mastodon
2024-04-03 23:55:17

I REALLY wish boosts would show in Lists on Mastodon....
Some people boost too much or ONLY boost with very little original posts from them. I'd like to file them off in a list, but the lists don't show boosts...🤦‍♂️
#Mastodon #Fediverse
2024-03-30 17:09:12

What if there was a #mastodon option where anyone could signup but they start in limited mode. Maybe they would then need to be promoted or could be auto promoted after X amount of time.
Would help with fighting spam accounts.

current drop down list of who can sign up options on mastodon.
2024-03-04 21:26:48

"While #Mastodon and other #fediverse services may hold promising alternatives to the algorithmic Musk-Meta hellscape we’ve been herded into, the structural oppressions of #antiblackness, misogynoir, …
2024-02-16 12:42:30

nice Podcast / Interview with Eugen Rochko about #mastodon
2024-03-01 19:55:33

Normally I strip the tracking links off of articles when I send them to people, but I leave mastodon trackers on there for now (ie, https://[...]& I figure encouraging news orgs to keep engaging on #mastodon is worth it.
2024-04-28 03:24:04

My initial thoughts on Biz Stone becoming part of Mastodon US' Board of Directors:
It's fine. As long as #Mastodon remains to be FOSS, then there won't be any worries.
I have already heard people crying out for hard forks of Mastodon right now!
Settle down.
2024-03-05 17:25:37

#Mastodon and the #Fediverse are also vulnerable to outages. But one problem on one server or platform will not take the entire global network down. You might not be able to talk to some of your friends for awhile, but as long as your server is OK, you'll be ok. That is why breaki…
2024-02-25 01:29:00

I THINK I’ve posted this already, but I think it’s evergreen.
Rahaeli is talking mostly about #Twitter and #Bluesky so I don’t know what the ratios here on #Mastodon are.
“Okay, it's ti…
2024-03-04 10:56:52

I still need help:
The table contains now official and verified #accounts from #news sites and #media organizations on #Mastodon
2024-05-03 06:23:32

Quick power maintenance on #MastodonSG.
Swapping the UPS.
2024-03-14 13:15:14

How Mastodon made friends with Meta.

Illustration of close-up of handshake between two people wearing suits. One hand’s shadow on a brick wall is that of a sheep, the other’s, a wolf.
2024-03-04 19:38:25

I hate how useless browsing certain hashtags has become. People abuse certain hashtags "for reach" when all it does is make me want to block and defederate them entirely.
The issue is when half of the damn toots are unrelated to the hashtags they're using.....🤦‍♂️🤬
#Fediverse #Mastodon
2024-02-19 08:51:04

#Threads, #Bluesky und #Mastodon: Die Chance ist jetzt, schreibt @…
2024-02-19 13:14:32

Funderar på vad som skulle kunna göra att #Mastodon blir ännu större. Förutom att det saknas stora institutioner och ledande politiker här (det senare är väl inte nån stor förlust egentligen, men ändå en skillnad mot "mainstream-sociala-medier"), så kanske det skulle behövas något "unikt" i det material som publiceras på Mastodon. Youtube blev stort pga längre videor, Twitter pg…
2024-02-16 12:42:30

nice Podcast / Interview with Eugen Rochko about #mastodon
2024-03-05 07:09:24

I will always love #RSS
It makes creating nice #Mastodon bots with #n8n so easy
2024-02-25 01:29:00

I THINK I’ve posted this already, but I think it’s evergreen.
Rahaeli is talking mostly about #Twitter and #Bluesky so I don’t know what the ratios here on #Mastodon are.
“Okay, it's ti…
2024-03-03 08:39:55

#ContentNation Backlash Highlights Mastodon's Toxicity
"Over the years, #Mastodon’s user culture has become incredibly insular and hostile towards outsiders. Despite repeated claims of “People are just nicer here!” and “Everyone is just so welcoming!”, often those preaching abo…

Burning Logos
2024-03-03 11:32:59

"Here’s the thing: if you were to take the #ActivityPub specification from the #W3C…you’d end up with something that wouldn’t correctly talk to any service. #Mastodon have a dozen or so behaviors that are not…
2024-02-17 22:01:32

Folks on Mastodon, to hide the current deluge of spam:
1. Settings -> Filters
2. Add new filter
3. Add a title (e.g., Spam)
4. Select all the context checkboxes
5. Set Filter Action to Hide Completely
6. Add the following keyword with a hash (#) before it: 診断メーカー
#mastodon #fediverse
2024-04-04 04:22:12

🚨 BOOST CHALLENGE! 🚨Ok #Fediverse and #Mastodon. If I tell my Canadian Member of Parliament, Gord Johns, that he will get 2000 followers within one week of creating a Mastodon account, will you make that happen?
I want him to be able to say when he stands in the House and presen…

Canada Conan Obrien GIF by Team Coco
2024-05-07 16:10:00

So...apparently Sharkeys Mastodon API integration is broken. THATS why I can't use IceCubes with Sharkey!
Waiting for it to be fixed to migrate my instance.👍
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #Sharkey #iOS
2024-03-25 23:52:41

Installed Shinigami Eyes today.
Didn't know it also worked for #Mastodon
I see some peeps on #mastodaoine that are green 😃 :transgender_flag:
2024-03-24 09:06:18

After a couple of weeks I logged in into #Twitter / X ... Yeah - #mastodon is really my new home.
No Algorithm madness, no engagement farming, really the most *social* network since IRC
2024-02-28 14:19:57

#MastodonSG was down for a little while, had to do some OS patching.
Also re-indexing statuses for Search.
2024-03-18 16:19:53

So, for a cool #Mastodon client, written by @…
What’s neat about it?
Instead of showing a chronological POST timeline, it shows you a chronological POSTERS timeline.
So it’s like SMS/iMessage - you see it sorted by people, which can be nice if yo…
2024-04-04 04:22:12

🚨 BOOST CHALLENGE! 🚨Ok #Fediverse and #Mastodon. If I tell my Canadian Member of Parliament, Gord Johns, that he will get 2000 followers within one week of creating a Mastodon account, will you make that happen?
I want him to be able to say when he stands in the House and presen…

Canada Conan Obrien GIF by Team Coco
2024-04-03 07:04:56

NASA captures stunning photo of federating with Threads.
#threads #meta #facebook #mastodonSocial

A Borg cube with a green beam locked on the starship Enterprise.
2024-05-07 16:10:00

So...apparently Sharkeys Mastodon API integration is broken. THATS why I can't use IceCubes with Sharkey!
Waiting for it to be fixed to migrate my instance.👍
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #Sharkey #iOS
2024-02-28 14:39:20

Clean up Sidekiq and blocked inactive instances. Everything should be running smoother now.
2024-04-25 01:42:04

New on m.s and coming in #mastodon 4.3
You can now filter notifications from people that you don't follow, people not following you, new accounts or unsolicited private messages.
Pretty good change.
2024-02-28 02:55:07

"Friends… say #Bluesky has a “weirdness” they like and is less “scoldy” than #Mastodon, where long-time users tended to school incoming ex-Twitter users. That makes sense, when you consider that Mastodon has had time since its 2016 founding to develop an existing culture that newcomers are joining, wh…
2024-03-06 21:18:02

Bit by bit, they will come!
#Mastodon #OpenSocialWeb #TwitterMigration #DumpMusk
2024-03-01 18:02:29

I have defederated from for data harvesting practices. Their site is just Fedi content with no user interface to login or interact with the content.
#Fediverse #Mastodon #MastoAdmin
2024-02-23 22:16:00

#MastodonSG is now on v4.2.8!
2024-05-06 16:24:39

I'm beating a dead horse at this point, but I wonder how many people has convinced to turn on Fediverse sharing with their misinformation spreading....
My guess is that number is QUITE low or even 0.....
What an embarrassment.🤦‍♂️
And yes, the link is broken because they don't even have the feature turned on. Yep, the FEDIVERSE account on Threads doesn't have Fediverse enabled....yikes
#Fedi #Fediverse #Threads #Meta #Mastodon #AcitivityPub
2024-05-06 08:28:22

Edit: thanks for the boosts everyone. Unfortunately I think it's not gonna do much good. The person running the account is showing how unknowledgeable they are and how they won't be answering actual questions by responding to a user from Pakistan who inquired about Fediverse by saying that Pakistan is poor, so there's not good enough infrastructure there. Which is obviously not the reason Meta hasn't turned the feature on there yet.😳I feel embarrassed FOR them at this point.
Oh well. It's really badly missed opportunity, as you don't get a 2nd first impression and unfortunately, they might be a Threads users first stop when searching....🤦‍♂️
Thanks anyway, everyone.😔
#Fediverse #Fedi #Threads #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Meta
2024-04-07 20:48:18

SLIGHT rant about how Nostr works and comparing it to BlueSky, Fedi, and other platforms in terms of moderation.
Well, I just learned a bit about Nostr.
It's basically "Bluesky, but FOSS". You have your account that has more control of moderation for the user.
The difference is that on Nostr nobody can "ban" per se because nobody has control over each other. It's block and mute. That's your moderation and you do it yourself. Nobody does it for you, unlike Fedi or BlueSky.
I gotta say, that's where a lot of you really need to go to have your eyes opened to what the Fediverse is really like for those of us on single user instances and the sheer amount of work unpaid moderators and admins do here to keep these instances as "nasty shit free" as they can.
Awhile back I kept seeing things like "Other platforms have moderation issues, there's CP and all kinds of other nasty stuff there".
There's all that here too, you're just privileged to have people with massive amounts of passion for this place and do the unpaid work to block and remove all that shit.
If you actually had any control in what you're allowed to see or not see, it can end up being the wild west for all things bad. Which is okay for those who don't mind blocking and muting endlessly (What Fediverse unpaid mods and admins do every day), but I'd bet a lot of you won't want to do that because it sounds HARD and potentially gross and traumatic.
So, whenever you think "that other platform is bad because their moderation sucks". Maybe, just maybe, think about if you would want to sit there all day looking at nasty shit like CP and other sexual crimes/hate speech/scams/etc. and have a little sympathy for the actual people who do. Because it sucks and it does exist here, you just don't see it.
#Fediverse #Nostr #Fedi #BlueSky #Threads #Moderation #Mastodon