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2024-04-20 19:55:29

Me: Ahrr, let’s look up this thing on the internet real quick…
My Brain:
#math #procrastination

Me surfing on math.stackexchange, seeing a link “How do you stay stable when landing/ Taking off on an F-35 during a VTOL landing/Takeoff?”
2024-04-14 21:07:22

that good shit #math

lisa's coffee meme

coffee: "Symmetries of the Farey Diagram"
lisa: me
2024-04-15 12:54:19

Updated Lorenz attractor analog computer circuit.
I tweaked the DC voltage offsets on the two multipliers and dialed up the memory depth of the oscilloscope. The image on the scope is much better now.
#electronics, #math,

An electronic circuit with probes connected. An oscilloscope displays the Lorenz attractor butterfly shape.
2024-05-07 05:40:14

Ok, this one is for the discrete #math gurus out there.
Let N = CRC32(X)
Given N, is it possible to efficiently calculate CRC32(concat(X, Y)) where Y is a known sized, but very long, sequence of 0xFF bytes?
Obviously you can just seed the CRC with N and iterate, feeding 0xFF in each cycle, but is there any kind of shortcut you can take if you know the input is always a 1 bit?
2024-05-01 18:13:02

A math/programming terminology question: 💭🔃🙏🏽
Applying "unary minus" to a quantity is called "negation" or "to negate". For example, `-i` is said to "negate `i`".
In that vein, what do we call applying "unary plus" to a quantity? For example, ` i`.
Would that be "positivation" or "to positivate"?
PS: This is a #math
2024-06-11 13:05:01

Do #phi and #pi have any (coincidental) sequences of matching digits? Has anyone checked?
2024-04-09 09:19:45

In math, when you are stuck with a problem for some time with no solution in sight, and then suddenly, out of nowhere a new idea comes to your mind, and it solves the problem.
The feeling is amazing!
2024-06-04 21:42:02

🧮 Taming Floating-Point Sums
#math #software
2024-04-15 12:54:19

Updated Lorenz attractor analog computer circuit.
I tweaked the DC voltage offsets on the two multipliers and dialed up the memory depth of the oscilloscope. The image on the scope is much better now.
#electronics, #math,

An electronic circuit with probes connected. An oscilloscope displays the Lorenz attractor butterfly shape.
2024-04-22 05:31:36

#MathsMonday #Mathematics #Maths #Math
Trevor Lee did a blog
2024-06-09 14:28:29

A Venn diagram of Venn diagrams is called for.
2024-06-05 09:09:02

What’s the opposite of mathematics?
2024-03-30 10:49:09

Manieren om onderwijs te innoveren zijn er genoeg, iedereen met kinderen kent "Math with Menno" op youtube, een bredere opzet hiervan voor meer vakken, kan in combinatie met fysiek onderwijs veel verbeteringen en kostenbeparingen brengen.
#mathwithmenno #onderwijs
2024-05-31 11:16:18

Hot take for #math people: This is the best #chalk on the planet!
Have you tried it?

A pack of white Rahmqvist chalk — the best chalk on the planet.
2024-05-09 20:09:13

A big public thanks to @… for the Casual #emacs package (available on MELPA), which enables "casual" use of Emacs Calc.
In case you don't know, Emacs Calc is an advanced calculator and
2024-04-29 09:36:57

#MathsMonday #Maths #Math
Often I have told people that #MathsIsNeverAmbiguous and of…

Picture of Einstein and says "Maths challenge" next to him, then underneath it says -3²-3x3+3=??