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2024-03-23 10:55:01

Españita cuando empiece a probar #Matrix como sustituto de #Telegram

Meme random, a la izquierda pone "yo recibo: no se pudo desencriptar el mensaje" y a la derecha "tú recibes: no se pudo desencriptar el mensaje"
2024-04-22 10:25:11

Is or down right now? I can't log in...
2024-05-17 17:57:38

He traducido parte de la documentación de #iamb, un cliente en modo consola de la red de mensajería instantšnea #matrix
2024-05-07 23:03:33

Matrix certrainly has its rough edges, but I find it awesome that pretty much every major Linux community now has their dedicated space. All federated, of course.
#Matrix #Element #ElementWeb

Screenshot of Element Web showcasing Matrix Spaces of various Linux communities.
2024-04-17 04:47:44

@…, have you ever considered making a Matrix instance? Also, what are you opinions on Matrix?
2024-05-15 22:10:32

why #matrix (particulary #element) works so slow? it takes ages to load anything! i would be ok using it would it load with mastodon's speed, but now i just cant, im not that patient sorry. even discord is faster somehow
2024-06-10 05:19:00

On the way to the #bigbluebutton community meeting in Mainz. Giving a talk today at 17:20 on variants for integrating BigBlueButton into #matrix . The event will ve streamed, watch out

BBB meeting Mainz timetable
2024-03-28 16:31:14

Installed the #Matrix for the kids

Matrix screensaver running on a Computer
2024-04-17 04:45:42

Since Discord's latest ToS is just proving my worries more, I'm exploring Matrix. I doubt it will ever outright replace it, but it's good to reduce my dependence on Discord. My handle is
#Discord #Matrix
2024-04-29 10:40:48

I just learnt about `jemalloc` in order to fix the memory hunger of Synapse.
So yeah, Python developers will rather hijack the glibc memory allocator than switch to a resource efficient language.
#jemalloc #Matrix #Synapse
2024-04-10 08:03:11

Ah, yes. Thank you, Matrix.
#Matrix #Conduit #FluffyChat #KDE

Screenshot of the FluffyChat Matrix client displaying the chat room for KDE KWin. Every message is displayed as "".