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2024-06-17 17:00:04

euroroad: Euroroad network (2011)
A network of international "E-roads," mostly in Europe. Vertices represent cities and edges represents roads. Metadata includes names of cities.
This network has 1174 nodes and 1417 edges.
Tags: Transportation, Roads, Unweighted, Metadata

euroroad: Euroroad network (2011). 1174 nodes, 1417 edges.
2024-06-17 08:41:07

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-18 11:00:32

foursquare_global: Foursquare global check-ins (2013)
A bipartite network of users and locations, representing check-in events worldwide on Foursquare, from April 2012 to September 2013. Metadata include country, city name, city type (e.g. national capital), and vender's latitude and longitude.
This network has 3935215 nodes and 22809624 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata, Timestamps

foursquare_global: Foursquare global check-ins (2013). 3935215 nodes, 22809624 edges.
2024-06-17 14:48:49

At the #NFDI4Culture Community Plenary we demonstrated different ways of how to contribute to NFDI4Culture #KnowledgeGraph. Besides #LinkedOpenData and standardized metadata schemata, as…

How to integrate Factgrid WikiBase Data into the NFDI4Culture knowledge graph. The example features Freiherr von Knigge.
2024-06-18 00:00:07

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011)
A network representing follower-following relations among Twitter users associated with the 15-M Movement or Anti-austerity movement in Spain, in the period April-May 2011. Metadata include hashtags in the tweets.
This network has 87569 nodes and 6030459 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011). 87569 nodes, 6030459 edges.
2024-06-18 18:00:06

november17: November17 members (2009)
A network representing connections among members of the November 17 (N17) Greek terrorist group. Nodes are members, and an edge exists if two members have some connection in the past. Metadata include role, function, resources. Some attributes are missing.
This network has 22 nodes and 66 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Unweighted, Metadata

november17: November17 members (2009). 22 nodes, 66 edges.
2024-06-17 14:48:49

At the #NFDI4Culture Community Plenary we demonstrated different ways of how to contribute to NFDI4Culture #KnowledgeGraph. Besides #LinkedOpenData and standardized metadata schemata, as…

How to integrate Factgrid WikiBase Data into the NFDI4Culture knowledge graph. The example features Freiherr von Knigge.
2024-06-17 20:00:06

scotus_majority: SCOTUS majority opinions
Network of legal citations among majority opinions written by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), from 1754-2002 (2008 version) and 1792-2006 (2007 version). In addition to the citation network, node metadata is included giving some description of each opinion.
This network has 25417 nodes and 216738 edges.
Tags: Informational, Legal, Unweighted, Metadata, Temporal

scotus_majority: SCOTUS majority opinions. 25417 nodes, 216738 edges.
2024-06-17 10:00:04

crime: Rosenfeld crime network (1991)
A network of associations among suspects, victims, and/or witnesses involved in crimes in St. Louis in the 1990s. Data are derived from police records, via snowball sampling from five initial homicides. Left nodes are people, right nodes are crime events, and edges connect people to particular crimes events they were associated with. Metadata includes names, genders, and roles (suspects, victims, and/or witnesses).
This network has 1380 nodes…

crime: Rosenfeld crime network (1991). 1380 nodes, 1476 edges.
2024-06-17 05:00:06

urban_streets: Urban street networks (2017)
20 urban street networks, corresponding to 1-square-mile maps of 20 cities around the world.
This network has 192 nodes and 303 edges.
Tags: Transportation, Roads, Unweighted, Metadata

urban_streets: Urban street networks (2017). 192 nodes, 303 edges.