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2024-12-01 11:44:42

Schöne Podcast-Episode
@… @…
2024-11-29 09:02:24

Over the last 7 days I've made some changes to libkdumpfile which make it work much better with QEMU ELF dumps. Cc @……
2024-12-24 21:41:36

Hey Canada, Greenland and Panama, did you know that "...the U.S. government argued that Bin Laden and Soleimani posed an imminent threat and that the killings were defensive and, therefore, justified under international law."
I'm not saying anyone should hurt anyone. Violence is never a good answer. I also think someone threatening to invade and take possession of you by force is...bad.
quote source:
2024-10-23 17:17:36

Was mich an der Sache noch besonders abfuckt … die minderjährige Tochter des Fahrzeugführers war mit im Auto. Nicht nur ein Leben zerstört, sondern auch noch dem eigenen Kind ein Trauma verpasst. Wie kann man sich so sehr nicht im Griff haben, als erwachsene Person?…
2024-10-29 19:40:56

So, #chopin dropped this new waltz, and it's pretty dramatic. Nice!

sheet music
2024-10-12 12:49:54

Some #GenArtAPI updates from this week:
- switched from Apache 2.0 to MIT license
- started publishing API files & types as package (optional)
- updated readme & diagrams
New installation & getting started instructions:
2024-10-28 18:27:10

Bernd: "In dieser Asia-Suppe waren drei Päckchen Zutaten, aber sie ist dennoch total geschmacklos."
Mela: *wackelt mit der Nase* "Vielleicht haben sie alles in den Geruch gesteckt?"
Bernd: "Du meinst, ich habe keinen Geschmack mehr?"
Mela: "Uh … Du hast nicht etwa Covid? Iss mal ein Stück Covid-Testschokolade."
Bernd: "???"
Mela: "Hat doch Lars mehrfach drüber geschrieben. Fast so gut wie ein Schnelltest. Aber wi…
2024-10-13 09:46:03

Pondering insignificance.
(alt text for more info)
#SilentSunday #LandscapePhotography #Photography

View of the upper part of a vast glacial valley with a full view of the main branch and some side branches of the remaining parts of the (still massive) glacier which has been shaping the valley for the past ~15,000 years. The peaks surrounding the glacier are some of the highest in the eastern Alps (3800-4000m), and the entire upper regions are covered in deep snow, creating a beautiful focal point and contrast with the pristine blue sky. The view is from the middle section of the valley where…